Leopard 2A7V / 2A7HU discussion & bugs

To be fair, the reload applied to all 120mm M1’s and the M1A1 jumped up to a 66% winrate.


Reload rate is among the most important metrics, and possibly more important than the often overrated armour metric.

Are you in favor of historic 8-12x in the gunner’s scope for all leopards?

Are you in favor of historic carousel autoloader jamming for all T series tanks?


Why are you responding with a question to a question that is off topic. I was responding to a direct assertion of leo2a7v’s adherence to historical details

While you’re at it, make a report about how BMP-2s autocannons are way too accurate in WT.

(What a way to start off a discussion with asking whether the playerbase is fine with a nerf… after you already filled out a report for the 2A4 lol, by the way, are you in favour of historic anti-ERA modifiers for nearly every Western APFSDS?).

I mean, on the Russian side, you seem to be 100% convinced the information we used for 2A7Vs report isn’t enough:

But we used all the publicly available sources, and even the Swedish Trials that Gaijin consitently makes use of (but hey, they’re apparently fantasy), lol.


If you have sources, make a bug report, it will be looked into

You would be in favor of T80’s getting their acceleration nerfed?




You have to realize that this applies to all tanks. You can check this from the same documents. So essentially you’re just slowing down absolutely everyone

The only other tank on this information with valid data is the STRV 104, i’d be down to get Centurions nerfed as well.

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I think you should research these Abrams and Leopards values

No, those have no values for the top speed, would you mind sharing them?

You in favour of getting T-72s reload nerfed to 7.5s?



No, I won’t. You can look in other sources.

In any case I don’t know what this has to do with my original question.

I was questioning the person’s historical interest as they only see inaccuracies if they enhance the tank.

It’s already correct

It’s irrelevant, every tank in game drives with automatic gearboxes.

Or you would be in favor on getting the commander overtake on the PLSS removed?

I guess that is why the manual indicates a combat reload speed of 8 rds/m (7.5s per rds), rather than the literal perfect case scenario as your cyclogram.

Why are you dodging the question when I effectively exposed the fact that the person is not interested in historical accuracy at all, but only in improving the 2a7?

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Ideal values are accepted in the game.

No, i won’t, because the sources you’re mentioning doesn’t exist.
The only mention about acceleration with Swedish Trials is done about the Leclerc, saying it is faster than their competitors.

