Leopard 2A7+ - The tech demonstrator

tbf thats the one that would probably come up if you googled it now since its the brand new unveiled thing with all the hype and glory

nup, still the 2022 version which is the most known one

just checked, your right

Brotha you are one of like, one of 2 people who have ever mentioned it.

no ive defenitly heard of it before on forums from multiple people, there are whole threads about it i think

i guess thats what the US bubble does to one

its a you problem, you only have ears and eyes for things you hate, literaly all your threads are complains i hate this so much or this needs to go down in my favour.

If you actualy would look at other stuff for once you might actualy learn sth besides complaining which you arent even do well, your weird stinger br thing still is so leaky like a bucket without bottom

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Wtf are you rambling about?

ah just the usual stuff you are doing, you should understand it pretty well

guess i was right lol

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literaly gets brought up by germans and or french regulary

Ima just go. And while I’m gone, I think you should consider getting off the panzerschokolade.

armor chocolate???

staying away from german threads would so you good yes, you dont bring anything useful either way

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It would be very interesting to introduce the Leopard 2 A7+ demo version in the German tree, it could be measured better against the Swedish lineup, the versions with trophy or ARENA-M, from my personal point of view belong to a new higher level, +1 from me.

as a event vehicle

+1 but lets be real it will be a premium since it has a camo net. I don’t get why they felt the need to add a polish and canadian leopards instead of german made ones. It will be annoying with future nation additions. Germany should also have the right to have a better leopard line-up than sweden considering the origin of the vehicle.


there is 1 picture with camo net, that realy doesnt mean anything, It doesnt need to be added with it.
And you might forget but gajin did start adding camo nets into tech tree as well

both of those are german made as well just exported. There is leoaprds like the turkish ones which germany had nothing to do with, but canadian and the polish ones being added to germany is reasonable.

That being said the polish one would have had the full revolution kit version they could have added instead. The 2a4m can doesnt have a replacement and belongs into germany.

To correct myself: German operated ones or made to be operated by the german army. Gaijin has said they’ll add Poland eventually so why would they make another nation’s MBT the squadron one for germany which isn’t meant to be a sub-tee? Pretty weird choice. Looking at the AU abrams too.

Canada should not be in Germany in the first place. You have both Switzerland and Austria to support german line-ups and instead they choose Canada? That nation is now spread over 3 trees. I feel bad for any canadian players out there.

These choices are obviously dictated by money. If you wanna play Canada well pay up Canadians. We put it in the german line just so there won’t be any backlash. I didn’t see anyone complain about the french leopards and those are TT. I don’t think it’s a controversial take that Canada should’ve gone to Britain.


nah, that is generaly not how gajin implements vehicles, you could scrap so many vehicles in the game in that case.

us abrams, chinese vt-4, uk challenger 2e, vickers etc etc.
leo 2 PSO aint made for germanyx either

what stops them from adding it to poland as well? candian skink, ram 2,
french ito 90m all are added into multiple trees

Besides that there is polish 2PL tanks that were modified by poland for newer standards as well by themself for implementation

canada isnt in the german tech tree. the german leopard is. its the vehicle that matters not the nation.
canada and australia vehicles are in the US as well because the vehicles share huge connections to it.

we dont? besides switzerland not being officialy announced and being only 1 squadron and 1 premium right now, germany doesnt have a single austrian vehicle those are in france and in sweden as of right now.

not every nation is worth being added, of course its sad and i support a standalone tree.
But it cant be added to UK anymore, UK already has to many subtrees with to many major vehicle kinds

oh there was from both france and germany. but germany at the end just laughed it off cause its bad copy paste vehicles for france either way.

Gerrmany only cares about the 2a4m can because its a unique kmw developed modification for the 2a4. It has collectors worht

in itself it is not. The controversial part and the one which makes it impossible is Britain already having South africa and India as sub trees. Giant subtrees with huge potential which added a lot stuff and have a huge future.

Other countries should get their first one first before UK gets their freaking 3rd one.

Germany is more comparable to france and uk then it is to US/russia and modern china development wise and germany should as example receive a subtree first before Uk gets their 3rd.

Before anything else israel should get one and japan their ground line that being said

You just told what everyone already knows, but no, nations like CA and AU don’t belong just as spread ones throughout multiple trees just because their vehicles were made elsewhere. The shared vehicles door was opened long ago. Also just how many South African players are there compared to CA or AU? India and SA should’ve gone somewhere else or not added at all.

Leo 2 PSO would have been a much better option for a squadron than PL. The difference with those 2 is that one was made in germany and that’s it, it has no connection to other nations just like those other test beds.

Germany already has 2 options for sub trees. Those being Switzerland and Austria.