Leopard 2A7+ - The tech demonstrator

Germany does not need ANOTHER Leopard 2. I’m not against Germany having Leo 2s, I’m against Germany getting another.

buddy you seem to not understand the game then. They will come either way.
There is nothing you can do against it.
Fair dont give germany leopards. Then they get EMBTS, KF51s and and and.
You realy think anything will help you? The games is progressing, other nations just have worse stuff.
There is nothing you can do against it.

Fact is germany has not even filled the slightest potential of how it would be realy in ground. And wanting to be equal to sweden is the natural state. If you dont like leopards go play low tier´

There is more abrams , challengers 2 then there is leoaprd 2s in the german tree.
Guess no more challengers or abrams for US or UK either thats what you are basicaly saying

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dont bother. If there isnt a way for it to go to America he will be against it

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EMBTS and KF51 would be a higher BR instead of strengthening Germany’s already extremely powerful lineup.

after you “bumped” the skyranger 35 thread he had an tempter tantrum right after, cause oh noooo modern gepard

mods were not dealing with it and deleted everything including his rage baiting


tell me you dont know what an EMBT is without telling me lol

You have no idea what the EMBT is i guess

It has the same abilities as the 2a7v or leclerc nothing more


Sorry, I assumed you meant the French-German thing.

I mean i hate gepards but thats because I see them in ww2 jets but every nation that’s not the USSR needs more powerful spaa.

I’ve spoken to a few people on discord including mods and a lot of people arent too fond of pangolins conduct


that is the french german thing yes,

Still shows you have absolute zero idea what the embt even is or does


Autoloaded 140mm Leopard 2 doesn’t sound fun to fight. No way in hell it’s gonna be same BR as Leopard 2 or Leclerc

congratulation you have found the 2024 embt un manned turret,

Now look at the embt 2022 and 2018 you doofos


you dont know what EMBT is


XD brother really expect me to read his mind and just magically know exactly what model you’re talking about? get out

literaly nobody speaks about the newest version when talking about implementation of them into the game


i was literaly speaking about the ones equalish to the leopard 2a7v, duhhhh

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tbf thats the one that would probably come up if you googled it now since its the brand new unveiled thing with all the hype and glory

nup, still the 2022 version which is the most known one

just checked, your right

Brotha you are one of like, one of 2 people who have ever mentioned it.

no ive defenitly heard of it before on forums from multiple people, there are whole threads about it i think