Leopard 2A4M CAN: The Maple Leaf Leopard


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riley already showed the line after the vickers is not dead, and indian mbts are possible as well

All the work they’re putting into the Challenger 2’s (armor mainly) is going to make them beasts and be able to hold up on there own and if they were combined with the Canadian Leopard’s, they would put in work. Oh well

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It would be better to put the Arjun’s after the TTD. Having the Leopard 2A4M CAN after the Vickers makes sense since it’s literally a Leopard hull. It’s frustrating to see the Canadian utilized vehicles thrown all over the different trees.



The other vickers that can go after is only slightly better if added would be foldered


Well i guess that where Gajin might be going which is a shame but it would be even messier the the Leopards

I don’t think the Arjuns really have a good place. At least the Challenger Falcon has a tech link to South Africa, making it a natural capstone for the TTD line. That’s a little off topic though, I agree about Canadian vehicle utilization. I would prefer they be put in an independent or Commonwealth faction tree.


A Canadian Leo or an Australian Abrams would have made for a better MBT squad vehicle than a T-90 (we all know they did that because they wanted to make the UK good by giving them an OP Russian thing)

Bside. It was a German company that helped Indians make the Arjun’s and your argument the Canadian Leo should go to Germany because of a German company being paid to make the upgrades means the Indian tanks should go to Germany. (after all, it was a German company involved as home nation companies everything to you)

personally i think it was done due to laziness

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I only say the Arjun’s bc they plan on adding more Indian vehicles to the UK tree and that’s would I think they would add in. I agree. It’s a tough niche

u forgot the challenger falcon as well

Al Hussein is one of my most wanted tanks

but the point was to keep Canada together which seems unlikely now

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to be fair, Smin stated that from the very beginning

(I would like but I’m still out of those)
A Canadian tech tree would be for the best.

I have some issues with a Commonwealth tree. (As it would have accused to everyone’s MBTs among other issues. to many nations to make a tree) I feel it be best to be split up.
Things like 2 more trees for the dominions (Both Canadian TT and Australia/ANZAC TT) or a tree for one dominion with the other a sub-tree (Canadian TT with Australia/ANZAC ST(Pusdo-commonwealth I like to call it))
TT or India
Pakistan ST for China
Singapore ST for Israel.

Those are the Commonweath proposals I can think of off the top of my head I agree with.


chile is most likely for an israel tree

Like I said I typically support short-term possibilities that could keep Canadian stuff together (CF-18/Canadian Leo to UK) but in the end, I have to push for a Canadian TT in the long term.


I personally favour Singapore so Chile could be for the LATAM folks. (tho the tree is pushing it for me. I’d split it up into a few and is C&P be fillers myself)

well it all depends of this year, if germany ends up getting a argentinian F-16, we pretty much can say latam is out of the picture for a long time