Leopard 2A4M CAN: The Maple Leaf Leopard

If they put this leo in Germany I won’t pay it, tired of playing 3 different tree for Canadian tanks


And thats fair, but like smin stated, at one point canadian stuff ebds up elsewhere either way


Sure but you also have the Leopard 2 Revolution. Theres many options that can be placed there. Currently however, there’s no lineup beyond a squadron. Also if the CAN is added to Germany at 11.3. It will be the only 11.3 vehicle in the research tree.


which people would be just copy paste and way more boring,

u mean the 11.7 tank?

mbt wise not realy since most are just copy paste revolution kit

yes which needs to get fixed, in a first step with sth like this 2a4m can. That one reason why it just makes way more sense. When britain just is alraedy fully saturated currently mbt wise at 11.3

Continuing the discussion from Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2):

not this means anything to this im just curious on what vehicles will come

and thats a problem because

once again, has been done with addition of indian stuff. he stated specialy canada and australia is not exclusively placed into uk

because germany has better options available like the 2a4m can, that has no home in the game yet , simple as that

no he said commonwealth

“We have never said all Canadadian or Australian vehicles would to the UK tree”
Literaly the whole posts talks about how some commonwealth stuff will be placed into Uk, but that they arent exclusively palced there

How is the revolution a copy and paste. It’s a highly unique Leopard 2 that features several enhancements and it not comparable to any existing right now. There’s no other 2A4 with a fully equipped Revolution kit to the standard of 2009

Edit: part of statement removed due to my own error

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Then he says the commonwealth

armor wise equivalent to the strv122, there is a lot differences it is not an early variant of a 2a5, it has chassis spall liner as well as example

the 2pl literaly is a revolution kit application as example

the 2SG as example would be great as the 2nd mbt placed into the german tech tree after 2k /2a4mcan

yes, still like said canada is not placed into uk

Commonwealth includes many nations

That’s true, I forgot about the composite armor addition on the hull. That’s my fault.

Either way though, the Revolution is hardly a copy and paste. There’s no other complete Revolution in-game with the RCWS and full AMAP across the hull and turret.

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Anyways my point in today’s WT, it can go either way. Either way I will also use it

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Including canada and australia, thanks very nuch for confirming

Yes not specifically Canada
Gajin will do what they want