Leopard 2A4M CAN: The Maple Leaf Leopard

When globally exported vehicles end up in multiple trees.

It’s almost like it was sold to lots of nations. (Don’t like it don’t sell it)

The number of American main mad cause the skink was for UK


like i said no problem with it, but Uk is not home to canada

This is for the whole commonwealth by the way

You said it would make more money in the German tree, I said UK. What Smin said doesn’t matter in this specific regard. His statement could be tailored to a multitude of things. It could be in regards to earlier vehicles and modern vehicles, etc. He says things like this all the time to keep the playerbase in check.


i am aware, which canada and australia are part off, reasons the abrams went to US as well

And the T90 to Russia
Gajin will do what they want

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but still, the 2a4mcan, is better applicable to germany and needed there to fill the 11.3 gap, or am i wrong there?.
Uk is not the developer or home of leopards neither does it fill a gap at 11.3

All I’m getting at is the argument that it’s a German-originating vehicle doesn’t fit the narrative for Gaijin anymore. Things have changed quite a bit and there’s several things that can happen with it. It could go to either easily.


I’m tired to argue with pro American and pro German for the leo 2A4m really…I just hope a Canadian tree

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That would be the best option but i doubt it

Want to make money? Do like for the Israel, a pack for unlocking Canada with this leo

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i would be happy if their was im just pessimistic on it

best option yes, sadly in the grand scheme are rather unpopular choice between other possible trees

Making a Canadian tree open the door to every Canadian who want to play their country and a lot of place for a lot of premium…= Money

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The 11.3 gap doesn’t have any major effect. Theres no actual tech tree 11.3. The Leopard 2PL is placed the way it is to prevent the squadron vehicle from being 11.7 with DM43 being the balancing factor. If there was a research available lineup at 11.3 I’d agree but since there’s not it could go either way. It also may not even be 11.3 at implementation.

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Yes because people cry copy and past for everything and I personally don’t care

not specialy because of that, but because there still are more unique possible options

The number of people saying copy and past for everything

germany can build a 11.3 line up, with another revolution kit mbt tech tank, possible puma s1, KF41 120, skyranger 30 propably would be 11.3 aswell. But the 2A4M Can even literaly would be an important part of it, with being a unique mbt modification for the 2a4 that was done by KMW rather by rheinmetall