Leopard 2A4M CAN: The Maple Leaf Leopard

yes, and the leopard as of right now, fits way better to germany, since UK is already way more saturated at that br range and the tank wouldnt be as important. Back to smin saying where its more applicable and needed

but is the Canadian one needed
no it not

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yes, as explained above already.

Besides that we are talking about if the 2a4m can gets added right now. then it has the higher chance to be added to germany. Because simply germany is lacking its 11.3 premium, which UK already got or to strengthen /start a possible 11.3 line up. Both currently not problems UK has

Of course full revolution kit is not in the game yet, but we need more then just 1 other mbt (besides that i dont like the necesarility of a squadron /premium for a line up).
The 2a4m can would be a great alternative addition which has another flavour and is different. Besides that full Revolution kit might even be rather 11.7 if all features are included

I was thinking about it and I mean realistically, as well as depending on the way of the Leopard 2A4M CAN’s armor model, as well as looking at other Leopard 2 models, there really isn’t even a lineup for 11.3. The Leopard 2PL could easily be 11.7 if given its top round. There’s just gonna be a gap there based on the performance of the Leopard as a whole. The closet thing could be to that BR would likely be a Leopard 2A4 (1991) at like 10.7. You can adjust the BR’s of the Leopard’s really with the ammunition factor and that’s about it. The vehicle could be 11.7.

The CAN:
-3rd Generation thermals.
-Composite armor covering most of the vehicle with turret wedges for additional armor protection/ricocheting.
-Decent mobility.


Germany doesn’t need more 11.7s though.

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for that one deciding factor is definitly the round gajin gives it to limit performance, but compare it to the 2SG or 2 RI and you get even higher armored version with compelte side nera and and complete UFP armor plus beak, which is another step above the 2a4m can


Personaly after the 2K we could start the upgraded 2a4 line.

2K–>2a4m CAN–> (maybe foldered 2a6m can or foldered into 2a6)—> 2SG—> and then ending in the most advanced 2A4 version the advanced technology demonstrator ATD. Perfect way to give germany a second line which progressively gets better

Revolution pack with RCWS and APS system etc



I know. I’m just saying looking at the specs of the CAN it could fit 11.7 realistically.

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theoreticaly yes, forced with DM53, but it would end up being the worst leo i guess, i thought about saying the worst 11.7, but i dont want to do that when ariete and merkava etc exist.

But if we start with 11.7 i am even more against the implementation against 2a4m can and 2a7m can to britain, the 2a6m can would end up being britains best tank. But Uks tree main focus and best tanks should stay their unique challengers and not the tank of another nation of a series the country isnt even considering to use.

On the other hand with 2a7hu with argument, italy is ordering leopards as well and joining the club and hungary is a sub tree specialy for italy, which canada just isnt.

A 2a6 to UK steals the uniqueness and makes the challengers all 2nd rate currently

I mean, the Leopard isn’t t really unique. I do understand where you’re coming from. The Leopard 2 tho is one of the most widely used/exported tanks. When we get new Western nations we’re going to likely see even more Leopard 2’s.

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never said the leo is unique xD i said the challenger is ^^ and adding the leo to UK would ruin the feel of the tree

nah i don’t think it will ruin the feel

it will literaly be the strongest mbt in the tree, everybody would ignore the challenger line in favour of first getting the leopards because its faster to get and just plain better, in my books that pretty much the definition of ruining a tree, when another nations tank that has absolutly no relation or place in the tree suddenly ends up being the star

That wouldn’t happen and we are talking about the 2A4M which wouldn’t be the best at all

we both know that as soon as the 2a4m can lands in your tree, every Uk player will start to demand the 2a6 to be added, which ends with what i said

well it would only be logical
A26 would be better if added right now but their still be reasons to get the challenger 2 and if some of the reworks happen to them and they are good i think the challenger 2 can be equal

especially if the fix the add on armour

but that part is if they fix it

are you stream on twitch?

the reason would be because because u need a full line up and a single tank doesnt win a battle

quoting @Yontzee here if i remember right the 2a6m can tries to be a 2a7, most likely even with challenger changes it would still be stronger.
Better mobility
Strong Armor
Spall liner all around
Better cannon

no cause one if the add on is fixed would resist ATGMs
and the other has a very nice APS

Challenger 2 is getting a hull liners as well

faster reload

the Challenger 2E would be better in that