Agree, but this is not a spaa problem like for example USA.
More than 7.7 Germany need vehicles in 6.3, 7.0 and 7.3 mainly.
You said the only problem of germany in mid ranks are his players. And no Leopard 1 is not bad but is not good for his 8.0 and the lack of proper lineups.
I still waiting something similar for the russians…
2015 IIRC Gaijin used a dark russian T-54 manaul for buff his reload spead meanwhile rejected offical Panther manual as propaganada. Probably the topic still existing in the old forum.
Small Sinai yes the big one is horrible after the changes.
Sniping spor removed and some flaking routes too now is another stupid CQC urban map.
Ardennes is bad in all his varians, versions and colors.
The leopard 1 is an excellent tank, it just lacks a lineup. It shouldn’t be moved just to give it a lineup.
The big one was made better because people actually play the map now, instead of camping on the hill. Removing the hill also prevented people from having an OP view of most of the map.
Finally agree in something but the problem is Gaijin is too lazy (or just hate germany) for add a proper lineup so the only solution (for the moment) is a BR reduction.
Hills was availale for both teams, giving more space for flank and long range combat but right now is just a mele map for C and push the enemy spawn. This map was completely ruined.
Gaijin doesn’t hate Germany man they’ve been hand holding that damn country for so long, and now that half of the playerbase is stupid and other countries can counter German stuff, does that mean Gaijin hates Germany to you? There are some bad vehicles, yes, many others are missplaced too, but that happens in every country. If from your pov Gaijin hates Germany, only the Lord knows what do developers think about France.
I do agree that inability (or actual negligence) from devs regarding balance is making WT a worse game.
Type 87 has a better search radar and passive (more accurate) tracking. WZ305 has 57mm proxy rounds which are extremely effective even without a radar. PGZ09 has passive tracking and AHEAD ammo which doesn’t actually need to get direct hits to do damage, on top of a better search radar due to better search elevation.
Thats a classic gaijin strategy. T25 was 6.0 with a stabilizer and was pretty solid. Then they removed the stabilizer and sent it to 6.3 where very few players touch it. Its a pretty bad vehicle but thats a pretty standard gaijin strategy for dealing with vehicles.
The T25 has a lot going for it compared to the Tiger at 6.0.
More APHE pen
Very good APCR
Good traverse speed and better gun depression
Incredible reverse speed
If it was somehow too weak they could just buff the RoF for the two ready rounds.
Since 7.5s reload with ready racks compared to the same 7.5s for Panthers and Tigers without ready racks doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.
Fact is the Leopard 1 and M48A2 C have both an under average winrate comparded to other nations on this BR. Therefore something goes very wrong here and something should be done about this.
What’s the reason why these tanks perform so bad?
Marder1A3 or DF105 will be your first spawn (or the rocket buggy), then Leopard if you’re a boring person, then you have BMP1, and of course the Wiesel up-tiers just fine to 8.0. It’s actually one of Germany’s better line-ups, because you get strong support vehicles and not just an MBT sausage fest. OP is wrong, the Leopard 1 is not weak at 8.0 - it’s just a boring tank, though. That’s why I never use it. If I use 8.0 it is specifically to spam some rockets in the Raketenautomat or some IFV action. The only real downside of a Leopard at 8.0 Germany is that the beloved Gepard is at 8.3.
Only reason why I find it boring is because it is a good meta vehicle. It’s a safe option that teaches players some good habits for later BR - the first being that you should never rely on your armor in anything. I have always preferred the APDS in it over the HEAT-FS, but I think a lot of people use the HEAT-FS, maybe that’s why they don’t like it. Either way - a line-up, to me, is any effective combination of vehicles at a BR range that promotes people to stick around in battle and not be a one-death-leaver.