Leopard 1 is way too weak at 8.0

German players need to realise not every tank at their respective Br is going to be the best in game.
Leopard 1 may arguably the weak link, but thats not to say it should go down to 7.7-7.0
France also do not get a stabilised tank and to make the AMX 32 and the various memey autoloaders work you need to play passively.

Out of your list only the IKV 105 is a problem the T-55A is no better than a Leopard 1

What should I use to upgrade the next tanks? N Mardere s and racket? There is nothing to download there. The player’s statistics are completely lost.
By the way, Leo 1 is also a French tank.

Out of your list only the IKV 105 is a problem the T-55A is no better than a Leopard 1
AMD… 55a is not such a problem, although it is a little difficult to fight against scrap.

But for me it’s not a problem at all to kill any tank with any tank, I can kill tops with the first level here. Only I don’t get pleasure when I drive for 10 minutes along the red line, and then get a one-shot because a person aimed at 2 km in 1.5 seconds and hit. This is tilt and then you simply leave the battle.



But muh mobility

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There is a legend that players who have leveled up Leopard 1 go to heaven and play Soviet/Chinese/Shvedian vehicles on BR 8 - 9.0

Oh no, not the schveedish vehicles

What are you doing?! You’ll be sipping on the bEcon)))

heatfs is good with the m56 at least

M56 has a small chip. My friend and I rode them into the enemy’s face and simply hit them with cumulative bullets, they didn’t notice us)))

Not really it has very good armor in downtieres

Then he should be transferred to underground battles.

Oh wow you should see the char 25t


The big issue is the current map design. Back in the day Leopard 1 was a rather mobile sniper.

These days in WT it is forced to fight at ranges below 800 meters and that is a somewhat optimistic estimate already.
In real life Leopard 1 would not attempt to do so.
At those ranges Leopard 1 and AMX 30 do struggle.


It isn’t. It’s fast, but your optics suck - 8-16x is way overkill and makes it infuriating to use at any distance shorter than 800m as even the lower 8x zoom is far too much. The HEAT-FS velocity is subpar for that level of zoom.

At the same BR you can find the OF-40, with better protection, comparable mobility, and an LRF.

The STB and Type 74C are HUGE upgrades. A .50cal, stab, lrf, much better turret protection, and adjustable suspension. The STB and Leo 1 aren’t even CLOSE in capability, and the STB will win that fight 10/10 times.

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If only it wasn’t so horribly sluggish.
It turns WAY worse than all the other Leopard 1 variants

I agree. In the current state, Germany at 8.0, I have found, is incredibly lackluster. They should revert it back to 7.7, same with the Spz BMP and Marder 1A3


After the last bullshiratings changes Germany was completely ruined.
With the exception of few rare and premiuns all TT vehicles are closer to 30% win ratio LOL.
Screenshot - 2024-09-06T210124.757


I made that post 9 months ago, I cant believe people are still arguing in this thread. The 8-16x zoom is part of what MAKES it good. Its much more usable than all the 6x garbage. Its got the same HEATFS shell that every other NATO MBT around that BR has, so that isnt really a problem.

Type 74/STB are also 0.3 higher, are SIGNIFICANTLY slower, has a significantly slower reverse speed, and while yes you get the suspension, you have to actually deploy it which means you need to stop and adjust it to get the gun depression angles you need which takes a lot of extra time. You then need to reset it to move around again. Its a great advantage but its also a weakness.

The Leopard can quickly get into strong flanking positions the Type 74 couldnt dream of reaching with its difference in mobilty. The tanks look similar on paper but play very differently in practice.

Meanwhile the Leopard 1 destroys literally everything sitting at 7.7.


Love the 8-16x