Leopard 1 is way too weak at 8.0

They are why is the Cheiftain MK3 8.7…
Why is the Char 25t 8.0…

It can do nothing vs a T-54 let alone a T-55AM1

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Yes? I can compare the tanks without clouding my judgement with silly ass stats like that. The Leopard 1 fits fine into the 8.0 meta.


I think i found an simple solution just start grinding Italy multiple rat tanks no M48 grindbumper and a Leo at 5.7

You call a difference of over 10% in win rate “balanced”? Is that your idea of balancing? You really don’t see a problem there?

Winrate does not show how good a tank is, but rather how good a lineup and its players are. Compared to similar vehicles, the leopard 1 is fine at 8.0.


And therefore it should be balanced based on how good the average player can handle it. Maybe we need an additional skillbased matchmaking on top.

I don’t go by what the playerbase of these nations manage to do… the Leopard 1 compares fine to the other 8.0s in general. It belongs there. A win rate is not conclusive to only one vehicle anyhow.

SBMM is bad. There is no justification for the Leo 1 to be 7.7, because that would mean its contemporaries will go down in BR too.

Gaijin needs to adjust for player skill when taking data into consideration. If players are performing better than average (when compared to their own stats) the tank might be undertiered. If they are performing the same relative to their own stats, then the tank is balanced.

No. SBMM is bad for any game it touches.

I face many leopard 1 with my 7.3 tanks. Your problem is not the BR of the leopard1

That doesn’t work though, that’s why we have Char 25t at 8.0 due to the ridiculously high repair cost and minor nations syndrome many vehicles are overtired as players no longer play them and only good players do well with them.

Germany has a huge player base and each one will have likely played the Leo 1 (before you could just buy premiums and climb the tech tree)

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and the M22 can pen the T-95E1 with 1 shot to the back of the turret in a certain spot what’s your point?

The way gaijin does it doesn’t work, for that reason. Which is why they need to adjust the data to fit with the average player playing the tank. It would make everything more consistent.

I never meant to replace the current BR matchmaking, I meant to look at the players skill level and based on that to rather let him be uptier or lowtier within the BR range.

But the average player playing the tank would only be players that know how to use the tank.
In the more popular nations Ger, Russia and USA that would work as you would have a larger sample.

In the minor nations so many of these tanks are either bypassed or the player never uses the vehicle enough to learn how it works.

Char 25t is a great tank in a 7.7-7.3 game at the constant 8.7 games its lack lustre.

How would this be fair?

My tank, a Magash 2 br 7.7, surrounded by 4 leopard 1. A battle as usual.

Leopard 1 with BR 8.0 is ok.


If you are a bad player, you get a better chanche to have impact in a match if you are uptier. It’s only an idea to get better matchmaking. I am always open for better concepts.

Char 25 sucks at 8.0, Lorraine is actually better

If you think the leopard 1 is bad at 8.0, try the Soviet T-54, now THAT is one hot garbage piece of scrap, and M-48/M-60 are not in a good position either. Truth is that both the leopard and the amx -30 are way more meta than any T-54/M-48