Leopard 1 is way too weak at 8.0

The hand cracked turret and unstabilized gun would be alright if it didn’t fight vehicles that are better in every single aspect. Again, it happens the same to the AMX-30 (which is treated horribly imo) and Leopard 1, and again, it’s all thanks to BR compression.

But let’s keep adding more premiums, more modern weapons and new features, because that makes money, balance doesn’t, right?

It is not hard at all to tamper with stats on such a small website lmao. All it takes is 4 guys in a squad. Once again, others have proven this multiple times over the course of not even a week of playing. You do realize that thunderskill doesn’t just lift your statcard, right? The go off of games played within a certain amount of time, typically monthly. Thunderskill doesn’t track players not registered with them, and can only track games on PC. It really isn’t hard to tank the kd of a tank. You just get in your 4 man squad, die as quickly as possible, then move to the next game. Say they do 100 games over the course of just one day doing this 100 x 4 is 400 which is over 10% of the games already recorded for the Leo 1. The site is so small that the Leo 2A5 has a total of ZERO games recorded in the last month for example. I guess literally no one plays the 2A5, seems completely legit as a core vehicle for the German top tier lineup, seems legit. Even on their own website they say that stats may be very different from what they really are due to the website size. But I guess people need to cope somehow

Refer to my above post

Yeah, because people are just going to spend hours of joining matches and leaving a game hundreds of times with their friends for fun.

Most of these arguments against TS are disingenuous, malicious or misinformed.

2A5 has 3500 matches listed, which fits in line with the 2A6 and 2A7 being more popular.
Pretending the 2A5 has zero matches is as mentioned: disingenuous, malicious or misinformed.

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What’s this?


Or this?


I’m definitely being the malicious one here lmao

At least they have some mobility and a snappier gun and turret, T-54s suffer more at 8.0, no contest, it’s a 1949 tank after all

those are the stats for the cup leopard 2a5 which not many people actually even have it, arguably one of the rarest vehicle in game, the regular ones does have recorded battles

What’s this?

It’s called a sample size.

Or this? I’m definitely being the malicious one here lmao.

Potentially, yes… or disingenuous or misinformed, you tell me.


Ah I didn’t know that they even handed out a high tier vehicle as a tournament award like that in the past. But to just call it “sample size” and even ignore what the website itself says is, say it with me…

Yeah, a sample size… just because it ‘may’ differ doesn’t mean it’s irrelevant data.

Leopard 1 is great, its fast has amazing optics, great gun HEAT FS and APDS clown on everything they face

It’s an accurate sample size that statistically speaking is relevant to the data present, with at most slight bias and at best none.

Yes, you said people have learned to manipulate the TS stats. Want to know something interesting? That also affects in game stats. So when the squad of people who went “we can definitely uptier the CL. 13 unreasonably high” went and did that, they affected the ingame BR and data as well as the TS data.

So again, the information presented is relevant to the whole bunch as TS is pulling from a large enough sample size to even out the statistics to be similar to War Thunder.

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The big difference however is that thunderskill doesn’t even have 100k users on it with matches only being in the thousands on average for the more consistently popular vehicles. Meanwhile, War Thunder has over 70 million registered users and more than 100k users on during peak hours on steam alone. It’s a lot easier to fiddle with stats when you have 700 times less people to contend with. If you want a more realistic number of players that log in monthly, that floats around 12 million, that’s still 120x the people compared to thunderskill. It’s much, much harder to sway numbers like that unless you have an entire squadron making a career out of doing it on a niche vehicle like the Horton 229 for example lol

It’s been done before by a group of like, 4 people. The CL. 13 incident. Look it up, pretty sure the post is still on reddit, or at least still on YouTube. So this is just false. Nice try though!

Also, Thunderskill only accounts for registered users not all accounts data is collected from. Unless you logged in on your account and then pressed “update statistics” on your account, the website does not recognize you as an individual user

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Yeah an event that happened 5 years ago before war thunder had exploded in popularity is definitely relevant today where you have 4x the average active users every day. Nice try though

3, actually. Post COVID-Boom, when plenty of people were playing. So it stays true. It can happen to almost any tank at any time, unless everyone is playing it. And that is reflected in TS. So, again, TS is a perfectly valid and representsble source.

Very, very strongly disagree. But it’s clear that neither of our opinions are gonna change so there’s no point in continuing this now is there? In the end Gajoob is still going to know the real answer, and it will keep the Leo 1 at 8.0 because of it.

Yeah, fair.

But no yeah Leo should stay 8.0

How do you play it right on modern red line maps with all the cover removed? Just wondering? If new maps maps force you into head on confrontation then tell us all how you play the Leo one " Correctly " under those circumstances? I am just genuinely interested


Armor, which the Leopard 1 doesn’t have. In a game where the tactics and doctrine of it are hardly ever present. Reminder that the T-55A is only .3 BR higher, and it gets access to APFSDS and a stabilizer. Balancing is strong with that one.