Leopard 1 is way too weak at 8.0

Yeah and more than half of the team doesn’t require “flank bro” because they are not T-54s.
You also don’t need to flank a tank to get a shot at their turret and hull sides.

Even when the map is just a straight corridor, depending on the range you’ll always run into someone with exposed armor. Unless you can keep enemies in a 20-30° arc in front of you, you’re tank is always going to be vulnerable.



90% of the tanks are easy kills for 100mm AP auto-loaders and the 120mm can just straight up kills T-54s from the front.
Not that the 100mm wouldn’t be able to to do that as well.

at least T-54 withstands shooting from a tiger II

The Leopard 1 wouldn’t get hit by a heavy tank with 10hp/t most of the time.
A M4A3 is a bigger threat, or even a M18.

It’s really more like: The T-54 needs to withstand a hit from a Tiger II H to be viable.

Afterall the T-54 has your regular medium tank mobility advantage but also a much slower turret traverse and gun depression angle.

THAT IS TO FUNNY ,LOL,LOL, LOL . You can’t be serious!!!

Most tanks at 8.0 are similar. Some have their own strengths. The leopard’s is its mobility along with an okay gun. Its just the matchmaker that gives it a hard time.

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Definitely does not suffer, in fact you have so much more speed and the gun is amazing, yes you dont get a laser rangefinder, but it relys more on skill and positioning, the leopard is so manoverable and the heat fs is strong, just all about psoitioning and the optics are amazing for them bigger maps. 8.0 is perfect for it. its everyone else and their logic is the problem alot of people just holding W not playing the strengths of tanks… this is why things get under br’ed due to peoples lack of skill and knowledge… i could help people how to play it.

I would still take the Vickers Mk.1 with a 5s reload and stabilizer over the gun depression and mobility, but I guess you could say that it’s just a preference.

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I bought a talisman for this vehicle through Battlepass so hopefully it’s alright. Haven’t used it yet though.

leopard 1 is arguably the strongest/best 8.0 tank in the game, sooo yeah… its good. (op and anyone that “thinks” it is bad is… wrong)

Not when the M60A2 exists.

In all seriousness however, it definitely isn’t the best. But it’s good! Very good. But not the best. I’d argue that goes to the OF-40.

yup, OF-40 can definitely be argued as The best 8.0 tank, but there are about 20 that can be argued that are the best/strongest, etc. One of which is the Leopard. I would put the leopard in top 5, or top 10, for sure.

OF-40 is just a better Leopard 1 at the same BR, not that the Leopard 1 is bad.

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wellll, better is subjective… the Leopard is faster, but then most other metrics go to the OF-40… but speed isnt to be under valued

So again… You CAN say that the OF-40 is the best, or better than the leopard, but you can also argue that the leopard is better, or at least tied with it… I dont think it is… id say the OF-40 is, but still it can be argued.

It isn’t in this case. The OF-40 is objectively better than the Leopard 1.The Leopard 1 is also not faster.

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how is it not faster?

Everyone sleeping on the Type 69 I’m telling ya.

I’ve played both it just straight up isn’t afaik.

lower weight and higher horse power sooooo

better round, sure, but it most other metrics to leopard 1 and OF-40 , but yes, it could be considered best or in the running

I never liked the Leopard 1. Its armor is just too bad. It doesn’t even give you a chance vs. autocannon vehicles and SPAAs frontally. Thats just meh for a medium tank, especially on all these small maps. Mobility is not superior enough to get you a clear advantage over others. Often maps are too straight forward anyways…what is mobility good for on all these limited one-lane maps? Flanking is no option there. Sniping is no option. Just CQC and you don’t have a stab nor armor.

Mobility just is a decisive factor, when its alot higher than most of you opponents. Like the 80km/h M18 Hellcat vs. Tiger II or 40km/h Panthers with limiters. THEN you can pull off unexpected stuff. Otherwise its a non-factor.

Worst con is the lack of firepower: Without stab you suffer, HeatFS is often trolly and has no oneshot kill capability. Reload is too high, especially if combined with anemic HeatFS.

Leopard 1 was even bad at 7.3. Maps are just not supporting its only strenght (sniping). Even if you have big maps. Alot sniping spots have been closed by offmap timers on hills / on flanks. Rocks were positioned to block good positions. Alot indestructable trees got placed as well, to reduce line of sight. Sniping is a thing from the past of WT.

It would need a BR where its speed would be clearly higher than that of most opponents. And it would need more long range maps. Other tanks or vehicles around 8.0 are alot faster, have KE darts and autocannon-proof armor. Even thermals.

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