Leo 2a7v and 122b+


I love how germany gets ONE competetive MBT for the first time in three years that just combines firepower and protection of tanks that were already in the game for three years and the entire playerbase is malding.

I like how 2a7 are harder to kill than bvm and have 0 downsides unlike bvm, but bvm was broken and 2a7 are just fine)

Eh 2a7 has weakspots though

Its western so it must be OP by default because none else is capable of building tanks i guess

Literally the biggest difference between 2A7 and 2A5/2A6 (and even PSO to some extent) is fact that its UFP can no longer be lol penned by russian rounds. 2A7 still has the exact same weakspots as Strv122 which is in game for three years already


Yea a 122 with the L/55 is so gamebreaking (ussr mains cant aim)


And literally anyone but russians is too incompetwnt to make ERA that can resist KE rounds. Silly brits and their giant blocks of aluminium.

Russians got the t-90m so they shouldn’t be complaining at all. I can see where americans are coming from since they don’t have the M1A2C with M829A4.

BVM too. And it’s weakspots are more reliable. And?

Do you mean this strv 122 that was best mbt for at least last 1.5 year? And why talking about 2a5 and 2a6 like it were a bad MBTs? They were best MBTs after 122 and bvm.

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Ah yes, the 10.3 hull that can be UFPed by 9.3 round, truly the best the game has to offer

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Gaijin purposefully changes meta to keep people from staying to one nation.

especially Russian mains goes crazy about underperforming tanks is just lol

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What does that have to do with a effect of the shell after it penetrates the tank? Shoot at the side of the B3 or 90M into the ERA, it pens and you ded. Shoot at Leos turret side, it pens and disolves itself




call the circus, theres clown on the loose.


Funny thing @Legwolf proved that it couldn’t be aluminium as their would be too much left over weight for to be made up by a radio


Get into a tank and I shoot at you. If you live you proved your point, ok?

Stop being the obnoxious kid you dont even have past 10.0 russians

the BVM literaly was borken for a good long time when it was introduced

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If interested :)


The 65% winrate I have on T-80UK seems to disagree.

Also im going to check your stats after saying this.

Name better mbt that game could offer.