Leo 2a7v and 122b+

Ah don’t worry, Gaijin will pamper them anyways.

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yeah, they will pamper sweden and give denmark to the tree as well propably

I don’t think they will never need to be pampered lol, look how it is right now, if you get more than 4-5 players playing Sweden against you and they have full lineups its a struggle every game lol

for the future, sweden does not have any new mbt left, the next production ones would need 3 years

They have 122C/D left that could be added, which wouldn’t add anything meaningful to their lineup but it would make them having more powerful mbt’s to count on.

the C/D dont have any changes that are relevant for the game, they would be 1:1 copy pasta as the current strv

Yes, and the 2A7V is the current best MBT for Germany, any addition would be worse on some ways pretty much, remember that… Look also at how the PUMA is implemented in game

thats actualy not true, 2A7A1 already exists Advanced technology demonstrator already exists as well, then there is the 2A7+ variants germany tested

Definitions sake KF51 130mm as well

Does the other 2A7+ variants are actualy better than the 2A7V tho? I know the existance of the 2A7A1 and i would like to see it, but you know how Gaijin is for this type of stuff.
Other MBT’s seems too modern for the current stuff, talking about KF51, EMBT 2022. Though they could add the EMBT 2017 to both France and Germany

the german variant only had the L/55 cannon, but since we dont got DM63/DM73 in the game it wouldnt matter

well we already got multiple APS systems in the game dont see a problem with it

oh yeah forgot those, The EMBT2022 could already be implemented as well, it has no real special feature, its a leo chassis witha new turret but a french gun which lowers its penetration

We will see i guess, though would be cool to see EMBT 2017 for both France and Germany in the next update.

That one is basically just a 2A7V with Trophy;


The ones we’ve seen before were all prototypes or technology demonstrators, this is the finished 2A7A1. ESUT also confirmed back in october (i believe) that all 2A7A1s are built in 2A7V standard.

Fun fact: the Danish (KMW) 2A7 w/Trophy was in fact showing off the final stage of the 2A7A1 config (not of the 2A8 as some seem to believe).

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I see, cool. Germany could see also PSO-VT and other tanks as well, or some light vehicles as well since really the only thing here is the PUMA and its nowhere near good as it should be.

PSO-VT would be downgrades at this point, but yeah would be possibilities.
for auxilary vehicles we got the PUMA VJTF and my personal favourite the Boxer RCT 120.
And well of course the KF41 variants and KF 41 120.
If we look at further future it is Skyranger 30 and Boxer IRIS-T carrier

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PSO-VT would be a downgrade, but still appreciated i’d say.
EMBT2017 would be a sidegrade if Gaijin would finally decide that the Leclerc can indeed load in 5 seconds, i hardly think we will see Leopards reload being lowered to 5 seconds, so the EMBT would give to Germany an alternative with a better reload, and to France an uparmoured MBT to use.

Regarding the light vehicles yes there are some stuff that can be added.

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if the normal pso and 2a7v get fixed , we are honestly fine for mbts for quitea good while i would say, we only need the lights. of course other nations need lights more urgently. but the 11.3 ones would be real nice


I want funny HX3 with 155mm gun on it. Eurotruck at it’s peak.

and i want working armor and not the worst possible “guestimate” for nato tanks
oh and fixed challengers…

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Nope, I have shot, and done prot analysis on those, where it says i pen, in game, i dont. Same angles, distances, heck, even at point blank i cant penetrate. So that picture is useless to prove a point

I can go into a game, right now and do this. If you and the 2A7V are on flat ground you can easily pen the middle of the UFP with ~600mm and less.