Legitimate suggestions being rejected before even being put up for discussion.
It’s not like all suggestions approved to be in the suggestion thread get approved to be forwarded on to devs…
Most of the time I see 0 conflict with the guidelines.
If a suggestion isn’t worthy for the thread then there should be feedback as to why and how they can change it to make it work. Not just disappear with no trace unless you remembered to screen shot.
There seems to be a personal vendetta or power flexing going on as perfectly legitimate and crucial suggestions regarding important topics get rejected all the time.
I believe there needs to be some moderating of the moderators.
Many of these suggestions are in hopes of obtaining relevant data regarding the feedback on these topics.
Please post/discuss your rejected legitimate suggestions here.
If it’s a in-game mechanic as you attached a image for a proposal for a suggestion of changing and amling the new aiming system for naval arcade battles an optional thing,
You should think about a good reason, how it should be implemented and why you think, it’s a very complicated and I try not to suggest nothing regarding game mechanics as it tend to take more time to formulate a thread rather than a vehicle.