Largest Player Drop Since 2015

Yes, it does. War Thunder is a completely separate game it has no competition. You cannot compare other games focused on specific categories to the competition.

DCS, IL2 as 2 examples->Specific periods ->Air focus. They have nothing to do with naval and ground.
Red Orchestra, Hell Let Loose, and Post Scriptum( “Squad 1944”) are infantry and ground dominant. They have little to do with aviation and naval. Enlisted as an example its competition are the 2 games and a franchise above. That does what Enlisted cannot do but better.

You can keep saying there is competition but the competition only exists if the game has a game that rivals it with the same 3 aspects: Land Air & Sea are in the game together. Able to play against one another.

Until then War Thunder has no games that do the same core aspects to rival it. So Gaijin has no true reason to continue improving the game aside from maintaining it, adding stuff, and generally the core basis. Of what it has.

The 16v16 is a big example as to what is wrong with the game, they changed it based on feedback from content creators and youtube comments… like what the hell are we even doing here if they ignore everything we talk about and go read youtube comments to push major gameplay changes?

It’s just constant disrespect, dismissing player issues and just being dishonest about things and then acting surprised when people have a problem with it.

We were puzzled by players’ concerns about the Pantsir’s tracking radar

And in the same bit

Players are also concerned about the possibility of the azimuth radar to operate in some radar modes at high elevation angles which certainly is an undeniable advantage. But the TOR-M1 radar, which is already present in the game, has an elevation coverage up to 64 degrees!

Conveniently leaving out the fact the Tor is also an extreme outlier of course and NATO doesn’t even get half of that 64 degrees…


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Other games re-sparking interest in people, I am one of these, haven’t played a match in a week or so, because I went to play Fallout 4, because of the show, also could just be a mass movement of people who have just lost interest at the moment.


I fail to see how that’s even at all related.

Other video games are indirect competitors, they are substitutes. They answer to the same customer need : Gaming.

On top of that WoT is sharing a certain number of attributes with wt, it is a combat vehicle video game etc. Actually a lot of people confuse these two games. It is totally a threat/competitor, and other video games as well, more or less.

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Hey, I fired up my steam client today, and it literally sat for like 10 MINUTES on a loading screen, with no actual feedback…

I’d almost think there’s an issue with it seeing as it was only in the last month that the UI wasn’t accepting clicks through Steam… This could explain some of the drop-off if the client did cause trouble and people were using the launcher in the game folder instead of firing up the game through the steam interface.

You can’t possibly say that in order to compete with a game, another game has to havr the exact same type of game play.

That’s not how any gaming community works.

Many who play war thunder focus on a specific aspect of the game anyways. Not everyone plays every type of vehicle. Many just play the tanks or just play the planes or just play the ships.

For those people, there absolutely are competitors out there.

Yes war thunder has all these different types of vehicles but they dont really combine them. Each vehicle is separated into its own game. War thunder is really many games in one.

Sure ground has the ability to have a mixed lineup but its still primarily focused on ground and many would prefer it be even more focused on ground (ie removing CAS).

There are competitors to this game, especially since war thunder is really a hub for a bunch of sub games and doesnt really do combined arms in most of their game modes.

WOT, WOWS, DCS, IL2, etc.

I mean i would even argue Battlefield was a competitor (when they were relevant and cared about their game).

There definitely are competitors. Is there a perfect 1 to 1 competitor? No but still they’re similar and they certainly can steal players away from War Thunder.


I wish that they would tell us which ones since every content creator in my youtube feed HATES 16v16 and would rather things wind down to something more like 8v8.

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I can’t seem to find the original post on it anymore, but don’t think it had any info in it… but it’s very convenient for them to say they based it on a source they don’t list.

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Define a “bad decision” when the playerbase has increased by over 4 times within the last 5 years (according to steam charts).

Where should the game go? Adding vehicles is broadening content in a game laid out like this. They have tried a lot of different modes and features, and are adding to the game with each major update. Being a vehicle only game means they can only go so far with things before they don’t really make sense anymore.

Please try to think this through from a business perspective… Warthunder is successful despite what you or any other player on these forums may think. Leave the game developing business to the professionals because they know what they are doing, you do not.

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Player frustration has become louder and louder over the years due to the main focus of developers ONLY being directed towards adding vehicles and vehicle balance.

Thus far, from a business decision, it seems to have worked out. Their playerbase has shown very strong, consistent growth, even with this most recent dropoff.

However, dissenting voices are getting louder and louder and there’s been little to no response from the devs.

The question is will this development model continue to work?

Or has it run its course?

I personally think this path of development may be running its course and Gaijin is going to have to put some more effort into game play, game modes, and their AI.

I could be wrong but time will tell.

Be it they may be getting louder and louder, it’s commonly the same few that are stoking the whinge…

They also ignore the points and advice given to keepup that whinge.

There is only so much “realistic” content that can be added before more steps must be taken. I (believe) they have undergone an engine update once before, and it may be something that could be looming in the next few years again. I would like to see some gameplay things addressed, but I can’t speak on what could be happening or when because I don’t know how far out they plan content wise. We (as the playerbase) could be focused on this next major update, but they could be planned out until the end of this year or beyond.

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Are they getting louder?

Because if so i sure as hell didn’t notice any of it.
Sure there are unhappy forum threads but nothing unprecedented.

In the past we even had a player-revolt, multiple gaming news were reporting on it. So compared to the past the voices that are getting louder are still whispering… Because at the moment there isn’t anything close going on.

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Well we had the whole research blowback that forced Gaijin to do something.

We’ve had several CC’s release polls advocating for changes that got over 10k votes - changes yet to be made.

On these forums, the top posts always seem to be something negative.

Ive been here since the beta. Havent seen this level of dissatisfaction for around 8 years or so.

Maybe im wrong but im seeing something.

Then ofcourse theres the title of this post…

All these great decisions really worked.


Wonder what happened in 2020 to cause this growth, must have been something genius.


Oh boy, making Covid the only reason Warthunder made growth. Explain the doubling of the playerbase from Feb 2022 to Feb 2024. That wasn’t still Covid.

What explains the lack of growth from 2014 to 2020 but caused growth in 2020?

Dunno, perhaps the game wasn’t well known. I can’t make a determination about the game’s growth because I don’t have all of the information about the game/company that would make a determination possible. Neat thing is that you don’t have that information either. Regardless, Warthunder is successful.