Largest Player Drop Since 2015

War Thunder doesn’t.
As I said, per two days.
26 battles today, 5 minute average. ~130 minutes, just over 2 hours for the star, or 1 hour per day.
Worst case at 7 minutes per match that’d be 182 minutes, or 91 minutes per day.

And you have how many hours in this game, that you are an accurate representation of the average player?

It’s 35000 / 1.33 = 26316.
Ans / 26 = 1012 score per match average.
Granted it was closer to 30,000 needed today since I did daily tasks yesterday in ~30 minutes.
So 868ish score per match today.

If it’s so bad, explain why online has increased 5x?

An average score of a 1000 and games on average last 12 minutes, for 35k that’s 7h or 3.5h per day without multipliers which obviously depends on what you play.

I still don’t know what other game are more demanding than WT events.

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26 battles for one star would be 35000/26=1346 average score post modifiers per game. pre modifiers at top tier would then be about 700. extremely reasonable score.
BUT there is no way the average is 5 minutes per match.
i would venture a guesstimate of 10 minutes per match average for an average player. making it 260minutes per two days or about 2 hours a day (with that score).

with average score 1450 and average time 10 minutes (which going by numbers Here seems to be the actual average) that comes to 35000/2900=about 12 games per star, or 6 games per day. 10min a game gives one hour a day or 2 hours per star. very reasonable.

if you also want the upgraded coupon that 600.000/7=about 85700 for the same timeframe or about 42750 per day.
let say you have an average score of 1450 per game (2900 post modifiers for top GRB) of 10 minutes that means 42750/2900= about 15 games per day at 10 minutes a game making it 150 min or two and a half hours per day for the average player. every day, for 14 days straight with no misses. that is not a reasonable number for the average player to play every day.

Weather is getting nicer in the Northern Hemisphere. I’m sure that has something to do with it.

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I really don’t think there is anything meaningful going on here. Whatever the cause of the player drop, I don’t think it represents anything significant or signifies the beginning of a negative trend. The fact is that War Thunder is more popular, and probably more profitable than ever, and by a huge amount.

What I wish people would spend more time focusing on isn’t the random, momentary spikes up or down in popularity, but rather the fact that the source of this currently booming popularity, and the entire model the game currently follows, is totally unsustainable and will collapse in a very predictable manner in the next few years.

It’s the weather, it’s Helldivers 2. Plus that’s only steam. What about standard PC players? How about Xbox and Playstation? What are their numbers at? Judging player count simply by steam count is not very accurate. There’s a saying in the business world. You live and die by your metrics. Can’t have proper metrics if you’re not counting all the sources.

Urban map, full uptier, urban map, full uptier, urban map, full uptier, urban, full uptier, urban map, full uptier…
Is simple the game right now is a mess.

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Judging and making assumptions about people based on groups they involuntarily belong to is racism/xenophobia/a-rose-by-any-other-name. And there are far too many people in the WT community doing this.

I am just going to assume that these cheaters are all in arcade. I play a lot of realistic and i dont recall the last time i came across one, unless you count naval bots.

I don’t tend to notice anything odd in Ground AB, not sure about Air/Naval as I play RB.

We’re at -25% players now over the last 1.5 months. Im just asking why. Yes the playercount compared to 2015 is still higher but it has fallen 25% recently. Read the post please.

I read. What you described hasn’t changed from the beginning of the game, but online has gotten bigger.

Absolutely different reasons.

Yep… Nothings changed recently… totally the same… lol

Yes, nothing. Big discounts coming soon, new patch, we’ll see then.

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As long as the data is moving upwards, we can still speak of an intact upward trend.
If the trend channel is now permanently undercut, it can be assumed that many will turn their attention to other things.

Your numbers are skewed. It does not take an account standard PC, players or console players. Those numbers are only people playing through steam.

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Except we’re not -25%… We still reach the normal peak of ~160,000 players per day same as last year really. The low is ~90,000 instead of ~110,000, and that’s about it. And that only really indicates that people are studying for finals in UTC +8 [+/- 3 hours] time zones since those lows are in those time zones.