Largest Player Drop Since 2015

It’s certainly the biggest change to their Steam audience pattern we’ve seen to date that didn’t involve any external non-game factors. But the point in doing it was to trade in their March-April peak and avoid the May-June trough. So it’s still too early to tell if that’ll work yet, or was the right move, I’d say.

“The Dunning-Kruger effect occurs when a person’s lack of knowledge and skill in a certain area causes them to overestimate their own competence.”
Man’s trying to tell me this isn’t an insult when we all know it is. Cause it doesn’t take a person 15 years to figure how to look up a definition.

I know, but the issue is that the moderators here can’t see an insult to save themselves to be honest.

True. Good thing I put the definition so if one does appear. They can just read the definition.

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The real thing is probably due to the recent South East Asia to Middle East Undersea Cable being damaged causing High Ping from this region. I came from Indonesia, and it’s literally almost a week and there’s no solution to it. This make (maybe) most player from SEA dropping significantly due to this undersea cable being damaged.

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Sorry mate I do not agree with you. number of new accounts is not the same as number of accounts which reach rank7 and keep playing. I also understand that average joes like you do not see all the troubles the game has, you are fascinated by the game and maybe do not even have time and capacity to notice all the bugs, mistakes and other bad things in the game.
if average online is 150k , that can be arround 1 200 000 players per day. And the game has 10M accounts, that means 12% of all accounts created are active. If you call this success.

But most important is how the players feel, yes if the goal of Gajin is to provide frustration among players, it is successfull. But why they do not make research among active players, how happy are they with the current state of the game, MM, BR, maps. Why we do not see statistics gajin is using for the BR changes? Why they never ask, or test on which BR new vehicle belong?

So yes from your point of view which is very modest, everything may look ok. But from mine as 12+ years old account, I have different views, diferent question, diferent expectations and I have spent a lot of time with gajin to know, if they are doing well or bad.

This is a bizarrely top-tier-focused mindset; you’re assuming that every single person who starts playing wants to play top-tier, and using that assumption as the basis for a very flawed measure of success.

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Nope but every person who plays even rank3 will grind it, no matter if he play Top tier or not. This is just fact and not mindset. The only reason why he would not is only, he doesn not play so often, but in this case he also can not know the problems , because his time spend in the game is to low to notice anything. Not even mention, that most of the problems this game has are on the top tier and are also most visible. Player who plays only WW2, will never find out, what I am talking about.
But anyway, still the daily online is not even close to 10M accounts created, but maybe arround 1,5 - 1,8M, that is 80% drop.
But maybe my goals are biger then yours or Gajin.

And I do not know how much money is needed to play rank3, but I would say it is free to play, so how many players get to top tier and play top tier, says also how much money is in the game, because it is top tier which demands to sepnd money and not tiger 1 or tiger 2.

When you google xenophobia, it actually prompts the synonyms of xenophobe, which include racist.

When I was playing ARK I’d play with a name that was just boxes in ARK, and I’d constantly get assumed I was Chinese, and I’d commonly end up with people attacking me because they thought I was, or they’d all log off the server as soon as I came on to avoid me finding them

The company was founded in Moscow, which is in Russia. That makes it a Russian company no matter where the HQ is now located.

Xenophobes can be racist but it is not needed (take a look around the Orient and how much some people hate others even though they’re the same race). But not wanting to play with people in other regions doesn’t need to be either as I stated (latency is a legitimate concern).

I also didn’t say it was a fact that “chinese characters indicate cheating” I just said that was likely what he was basing that decision off of (I also said I didn’t agree).

It doesn’t matter that Gaijin is a Russian company other than that would explain any perceived bias in the design and performance (and I don’t believe there is actual purposeful bias but there could more attention by devs and management to get the vehicles they know love verses others. I Believe GJ tries their best to get the things working as closely as possible to reality).

And for your information, Yamanda, I’m married to a Vietnamese woman and her non-english speaking parents live with me in my house and have a mixed-race child. If I’m racist I’m not very good at it.


Thing is you’re writting it off as ping… The person who posted it is about the generalisation of them having a chinese name, and they actually said it was chinese, not asian.

I think it’s because the updates are continually damaging the gameplay and restraining the mechanics.

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It’s the distinction and the assumption, making out the negative that is the racist part…

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You’re excusing the generalisation and the assumption.

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Generalization and assumption follow the same rules of causality.

Assumptions ≠ racism…

Assuming from past experiences that Chinese players are cheaters, does not mean you hate Asians.

Racism doesn’t mean hate, it’s that segregation and categorisation…

It’s like me saying I’m not racist, but I know I’ve been burgled by minorities a lot, so I stay away from them.

(Edit - False flaggers begone. Quite frankly this forum is plagued by this sentiment)

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It’s really limited to like ten people on this forum. Ones we know are secondary accounts to Gaijin who spit out their rhetoric.

yeah who would have thought that intentionally adding features that make the game worse and more annoying to the very players that keep the lights on will drive them away?

ironic thats the definition of a bad game, just tedious, long, annoying, bug infested
these devs would be out of a job anywhere else but in gaijin hq lmao
backwards company producing a backwards culture

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Events require ~2 - 4 hours of battles per two days. Nothing greedy about that as that’s less time than events in other games.

What games require 4 hours per day, every day, for weeks?


War Thunder doesn’t.
As I said, per two days.
26 battles today, 5 minute average. ~130 minutes, just over 2 hours for the star, or 1 hour per day.
Worst case at 7 minutes per match that’d be 182 minutes, or 91 minutes per day.