Lack of points per kill?

Hey fellas.

I’ve been noticing the lack of points per kill ingame over the last few months, I am almost certain that a kill was 300 points, then + whatever action you did, getting the kill.

Here the first kill got me 294 points I think. It wasn’t a downtier either.

I made a post a few months back, also complaining about the score for a kill in Air SIM

You used to get 600 per kill. 450 for the actual kill and 150 points for critical dmg done.

I dont think this is going the right direction I’m afraid. With the winter extreme event comming up, I can see why they’re gutting it. But still. it seems strange, what do you guys think?

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Rewards seem down. The Snale’s maths are so convoluted that its hard to know just what or why…

Well, it’s not that important either, the important thing is that it gives you the silver lions and the correct Xp.

That relates to score too.

Well, I don’t know, but I still earn the same when I kill, I don’t see much difference.

You have to look at the end!

Maybe this is the cause?

2.1 Score correction by BR difference

The Ground Breaking update added a score correction based on BR difference. The correction is only applied to kill, assist, critical, and death "when higher-BR vehicle attacks lower-BR vehicle. It does not apply when lower-BR vehicle attacks higher-BR vehicle.

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Ah! yeah, that makes… ‘sense’

Lets punish the player when they get a kill because… logic? xd

I guess it sort of makes sense in like: you should get less points for killing a bt5 in your t90. But i feel like within 1.0br should be regular.

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But does it though? Why are one player being punished because another player is playing a tank that isn’t fitting in that specific BR bracket?

Blockquote Maybe this is the cause?

2.1 Score correction by BR difference

The Ground Breaking update added a score correction based on BR difference. The correction is only applied to kill, assist, critical, and death "when higher-BR vehicle attacks lower-BR vehicle. It does not apply when lower-BR vehicle attacks higher-BR vehicle.

I’ve been thinking. If higher BR players are getting punished, are lower BR players getting rewarded with extra points then? I mean it should go both ways right?

Oh yes, you are rewarded with SL if you manage to toast a much bigger fish.

They get stuff like “skill matters” and “god mode” which give sl.

I would still say that you should get less for my example. The general idea it that it should take less skill/effort to kill a tank like 3.0 br lower than yours. Less effort you put into a match the less sl/rp you make.

Opposite would be true for killing a rank 3.0br above yours. That is why those reward exist. It is more sl but the rp should be the same.

Yeah I know that, but I’m talking about the points. Points for events etc. Sure the big payout is cool and all, but… yeah.

Gaijin and there stupid ideas, we dont get to choose what BR we play against. Would you want to play against a lower br if it was not worth your while.

Dies not bring the best out of a player, sometimes your only as good as who you play against

For the sake of the game, the BR difference should be at about 1 at the most. If you are bringing a much weaker vehicle than expected, you won’t get advantaged score wise, because score governs progress speed. But they will honor a kill done with it with extra SL

How cute, I got 30-40 points for some kills. And I mean KILL.