I’ve almost completed the entire British ground and air tech trees and noticed that there aren’t any actual light tanks after the Stuart and Tetrach. There were loads of variants of the CVRT light tank produced and made by Britain, both the striker and stormer use the CVRT chassis. Does anybody know why the CVRT tanks like the Scorpion and Scimitar have not been added? they would be very enjoyable high-speed tanks acting like the warrior without the Milan missiles.
Im not counting the South African scout cars as they are technically not tanks
I would love more of that type of thing but not 70s classics among WW2 tanks.
I imagine the Scorpion would be 5-6 BR and I don’t want to see that among Tigers and Panthers.
I see it more around the 7.7-8.7 area as they could do 50mph on flat ground. it would be incredibly unfair to have the fastest tanks ever produced with 1940s tanks, german players struggle enough facing early centurions and such
You might be right might be higher.I agree re WW2 but then many don’t seem to care and we could argue Gaijin don’t. 76 mm L23A1 gun is pretty pokey so it might slot in near the Chieftain which would be nice. Im surprised they didn’t do the Saladin and all sorts of others. Maybe they don’t think the UK is a big enough market? Not sure.
I think it really depends on what shells the Scorpion fired. I think it might have only been HESH, but I could be wrong about that.
But yeah, we are in an absolute desperate need for light tanks. Its a shame we got the SA line instead of a light tank line. We have plenty to choose from
I believe it fired HESH, HET and canister (shrapnel) from its L23A1. only being able to deal with other paper armour tanks at most would be sufficient for its in-game role
A group of enthusiasts produced models for an SA line.
Those accepted were added as models were there and in theory saved anyone else bothering.
But that is why we have SA but lack domestic light tanks.
Don’t forget the Crusaders, just like the AEC II (I and II should be added in tech tree) it used to be the only GB light up to 8.0 (5 whole BRs lacking a light).
I love the AEC II as you can tell from my details, but none were at 3.0 of those 2000+, mostly as support for 4.7, 5.3, old 5.7, 6.0, 6.3, 6.7, 7.0 (you get the idea, up to 7.7), and in a full uptier with the more wonky lineups I used the 3.0 to actually murder Tigers, KTs, ISs, Jumbos, Panthers, even Leopards and other at 7.7 (back then). Still managed well in it considering it is actually quite big and cannon fodder even at its own BR. The Crusader II can be used the same due to the 130mm pen at 0m.
So yeah, GB can do with some of the early WWII and those already mentioned. Almost all have been Suggested to Gaijin already, and I see no issue with merging SA with a foldered Light tank line since they can’t have more than 5 lines in the tech trees (apparently).
Scorpion 90 has the same Cockerill 90mm mk 3 gun as the Italian AUBL/74 which means the UK could potentially be as irritating at 6.7 as the Italians are but with Tea instead of Pizza and fatter, uglier women.
Does any other AFV in the game have both a boiling vessel and a commode built in?
Should damage to said boiling vessel be built into the game? or maybe time out simulated where the gunner is taking a dump on the commander’s seating position?