KV-1A - Klimi a Finnish KV-1 model 1942

There goes a report about the turret armor. Any addional sources are welcome.


@Til_Dovre_Faller could you move this to implemented suggestions?

You may need to bug report the turret, its 82mm frontal so its weaker than the KV-1C also lower plate is 70mm not 75mm. Its actually a down grade all around.


The turret report is just above. It’s funny how KW I C 756 (r) has been around with 105mm all around turret for 10 years with obviously wrong turret armor and no one has realized to report it. 105mm bustle buttom makes sense to anyone? Even devs didn’t bother to touch it when they made the cast turret for this KV-1 m1942. Problem is, we don’t know which cast turret variation KW I C 756 (r) had based on that single photo. I’m quite sure the mantlet should be exact same 90mm in all of them.

About hull armor differences I don’t know. British report gives slight variations to the commonly stated values and it’s possible those add-on armors indeed varied, but the main plates unlikely.

@Pheonix_RX01 the turret was already updated. I’d imagine this is still a work in progress since even the turret top is included into the same volumetric part. Only mantlet and hatch are separate. I don’t know if there is some issue with this model, the turret ring or is it a usual thing with volumetric turrets to have such stellar numbers near the bottom. Better not shoot below the blue cross.


Again those numbers are still wronh and need to be adresses

There is a post on the subreddit showing the breach being thicker than the zis 5 and calling it prem bias, i guess they didn’t bother aiming at the turret

I met a dude in game who helped me test it, so far its pretty unreliable armor. Cant tell if it has new model syndrome or what.

  1. The front drivers port is more reliable to shoot when angled compared to the KV-1C, it seems the model has the port stick out more and thus ends up helping slip rounds in making angling against standar M62 (76mm gun) neigh impossible. So the KV-1C is better angled. Though i will need to do sole re tests as it eventually became a more consistent pen on the KV-1C in some angle tests at closer range.

  2. The KV-1A will not be able to tank shots to the bottom plate as the armor is only 70mm vs the 75mm found on the KV-1C. Of course the upper plates are different as the KV-1C has a 40mm plate vs the 75 on the KV-1A. So in some cases they balnce out but if angled correctly the driveres port is still a huge weakspot.

  3. The Turret, while the German KV-1 has similar turret cheeks weak points it is actually strong as it has 105mm thick bs the 100mm for the KV-1A. The breach is much weaker on the C as they had to change the turret to fit the gun whereas the A is better. Unfortunately the A also loses out in the turret armor area for having a 60mm hole in the turret leaving you open to some 40mm tanks, of course i watched a m42 gaijin a A and kill him through the front. Attenpting to angle the turret leads to both vehicles not increasing their armor as very large holes can allow enemies to pen very easily. Of which the KV-1C was better as it had thicker armor.

  4. Side armor was nearly identical, the 77mm of the A dont do anything and both the C and A die at the exact same angle.

Overall, both vehicles are the same BR. The A is weaker on armor and in gun in exchange for not having the modified roof armor which leaves the C exposed to a crew knock theough the cupola.

Final verdict this is of my opinion if you are looking for a KV-1 1942 model, the Finnish KV-1A is not worth it. Both nations have constant uptiers to 6.0 of which only the C has the gun capable to somewhat defend itself. The A is only good in a downtier where vehicles like the Zis-5 can actually outperform it as the turret can effectively angle to 127mm of armor and has only 5mm less on the front hull while having the stronger bottom plate.


I’ll try to look for better sources about the hull. The 72 degree plate at the front should be the same thickness. I can’t remember for sure if it was changed to 40mm when they switched to model 1942 or only with KV-1S. I’d imagine the latter.

The statcard still says 77mm hull side, while the model was updated to 75mm.

Other tiny things worth reporting would be that blue cross at the side of the turret. No one seems to know why it has that instead of the white and blue roundel. Engine RPM is also wrong at 1900, instead of 2000, which would indicate they had this moddle in storage for quite some time.

Do you have a bug report up for the hull? Also man that 60mm plate is so easy to hit. Ended up killing one today with my AMX DCA lmao. What a fucking joke of a vehicle that you have to buy XD

I haven’t had time to search things for the hull yet. What is the 60mm plate? The gun sight hole or part of the turret ring?

For the roundel it should be enough to screenshot few other Finnish tanks and add few photos of the KV-1 m1942 with that roundel. I don’t think SA-kuva has any such postwar photos, but there are few lying around internet.



For engine RPM it should be enough to just link this Community Bug Reporting System

Its super easy to shoot when fighting them

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It did have the swastika at one point, i agree the plus is very poorly chosen and should be the roundel or they just let us unlock the plus and let us choose what we want on the tank.

Nevermind. It is an official SA-kuva after all. There are few more high resolution photos of it over there.

Roundel and engine reported.

Id recommend messaging @SaabGripe n (dont want to actually ping him) he can forward any reports on the vehicle and hopefully get the devs to add the changes quickly.

The gunmantled is missing the hole for the Recoil cylinders, resulting in a solid 350mm Cast Steel Block.

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I mean its a hole in the armor for the optic after all?

Some sites have stated it to be thicker than 60mm. The majority of the vehicles armor is pretty clearly placeholder.

Well the sceenshot show 68mm, which is more than 60mm?