Kurnass 2000 +1.0 BR change? Why?

BVR and boom and zoom
guess who cant do that… maybe a plane with IR missiles only?

you oviusly dont have much expiriance with Python 3.
when your target is not distracted you have a very hard time getting a missile hit.

you can argue as you like, 12.3 is too much.
all F4 got 0.3/0.6 increase. only K2000 and EJ KAI got a full 1.0 and EJ Kai has at least decent BVR armamant

Well, one day you might use Python 3s.
I’ve been using them for over half a year personally.
EJ Kai and Kurnass 2000 are effectively identical.
One gets more flares and an all-Python 3 loadout.
One gets radar missiles to compliment IR missiles.

F4F ICE has the same amount of weight that F4E has.

Only previous F4F models does have lighter airframe due to removed electronics and fuel tanks.

Again: the Kurnass has more, better IR missiles and better flight performances.
Yes, it’s balanced.

the ICE also hast one fuel tank less.
ICE was upgraded from the F4F frame that was missing a tank,
you can see it in x-ray view in WT

better IR missiles and no radar missiles in a radar missile meta?
balanced? seriously?

Thats like bringing a knife to a gun fight…

its more like having an assault rifle while fighting a sniper rifle. both have pros and cons, but it’s not like one is good and the other is not.

ICE has basically the same amount of weight that F4E has, also x-ray is wrong because its using regular F4F vision.

Upgraded radar and new electronics increased the weight significantly, you can check the internet to see that.

Its about you have the assault rifle whila everybody else has a sniper rifle and an assault rifle.
on a whide open map.

there are way too many open flat maps. you have to dogte 20 to 50 missiles before you can even think about using your IR missiles…
12.3 is killing the K2000

IR missiles only isnt meta any more. Fox3 and goor SARH missiles are meta.

ICE electronics should be around the same weight as F4E.
I dont know anything about weight difference of the old and new radar.
But in reality and in WT the tank is missing. so its lighter, like it or not

Its not.

Like it or not.

after youre fine arguments with a lot of backing with sources, i guess i let you win…

this argument is missing the point of the original posting anyway…


Are those enough or do you need more?

DUDE, you are realy so deperade to win this argument?
This post was about the (in my opinion) bad BR rating of the Kurnass 2000.
thanks to youre, complete irrelevant arguing, this post is getting invalid anyway.

Ty for nothing, bro

Many people including me agrees that current Br of Kurnass2K is too much, the thing is you were so stubborn that you didnt wanna admit your mistake until now, derailing this thread is on you, not me.

Next time be sure about your information before getting into disccussion buddy.

my mistak was to join this useless arument, true.

You still dont wanna admit your misinformation about ICE weight, fair enough. At least you admit that you turned this situation into a useless argument.

Both of us are not aviation enineers and both o us dont have any accsess so reliable scources.
Wikipedia is not a reliable scource, nether is any WT forum post.

None of those informations comes from Wikipedia , did you even bother to check those websites?

Last but not least there are other websites that confirms ICE weight, like it or not the information you claim is compeletly wrong.

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This is not true, it’s just your, probably biased, opinion. Use the JKai if you think it is better.

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