Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 3)

Tbf we still dont even have the J35F besides a premium

There are a couple of J35 variants that I would love to see actually, most importantly a tech tree J tho

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Unity? That’s interesting. In any event I hope it works out well, and they clearly think they have an amazing product considering they’re charging 150 bucks for a pack.

I honestly wish the A was techtree as amazing as it was as a prem

It seems to be quite popular on android and IOS, Gaijin is apparently taking the publisher role for the PC port, so I don’t know if that pack being 150 bucks is Gaijins doing.
They might end up borrowing some ideas and tech from that either way tho lol

I still wanna see what the non existent LS1000J laser guided bomb is in war thunder, since I still can’t find a single image or source that confirms it exists

If Skyflashes and the specific UK missile modifications were properly modelled, where would that leave the F-4’s and Tornado F.3?

Would that plus any top tier British aircraft be enough?

EDIT: Enough for the December patch*

I doubt it, its too late for skyflash to even be meta at this point since the 7M exists now, however it would help slightly I reckon if theyd properly model Monopulse Seekers

Maybe actually playable. We’ve had bug reports outstanding for the Skyflash since they were added to the Phantoms. But a Tornado F3 is still going to loose in WVR vs any gen 4. So we need something at least able to fight in WVR. Though it is also missing its kinda form of HMD which would help in a fight.

But, you know what the really stupid thing about all this is?

I’d be really happy with getting Red Tops and SRAAM fixed and finished, that would open up 5 currently near-DOA aircraft to be playable again.

Tornado Gr1 is missing a host of features and capabilities. That would be hella fun to play even just with a few of those outstanding features, like chaff or GMR.

Jaguar Gr3A at 11, Hawk at 10.7, TSR2 around 10.3 or heck even something somewhat DOA like the Vulcan. They dont even need to add something top tier, just something really good and interesting and everyone would be happy. Tornado F3 sucks because its meant to be our top tier but clearly isnt and due to the compression and currently uptiering, really sucks as it faces 12.3s all the time (in SB its hard locked to ONLY fight 12.3s) . But its not a bad aircraft on its own. It was just added way too late to be fun.

I do seriosuly hope we get something like the Sea Harrier FA2 this december, I think that has potential to be quite fun, but id be equally happy with our TT just getting some love. Like I would love a decent high rank IFV for ground or a better SPAA. But I’d also be happy with them just acknowledging that the CR2 has issues, fixing some of the bugs and fixing the Stormer HVM.

That is the greatest issue. Its not just the lack of content, its the fact they refuse to fix what we’ve got, or even acknowledge anything is even wrong. Todays statement about the Phantom just confirms they are burying their heads in the sand

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Hell HMS Renown is still sitting too high in the water

Yeah, that is just insane to me. I was really looking forward the Renown, but have barely touched it. Maybe eventually I’ll get round to spading it, but they really need to fix 15 inch guns first.

Also other tiny things, like the Harrier Gr7 should be able to carry 540s on 7/9 pylons, it can only take them on 2. This was reported internally shortly after being added to the game. Still has yet to be fixed and I just dont understand why? Are 540s really that OP that the Gr7 has to be limited to just 2?

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The British players are just too good I suppose, and with Renown her guns are fine ish(slight accuracy problem) its mainly since she sits higher then she should she gets ammo racked far easier then she should

(Still wish Brit 15s could have the option of the WW1 HE)

Yeah, I feel we’ve been playing with such massive handicaps that we have to be better than the average player to survive and those that dont want to stick it out to learn, just go play other nations (I really dont blame them, or accuse them of anything, this is a game and you should be able to have fun, even i’ll admit playing Britain feels like a chore at times)

But this leaves our vehicles with better than average stats, which means where any other nation gets buffs, we get nerfs)

But yeah, their solution to balancing 15 inch guns is crazy and yeah, HE is definetly our biggest weakness on the Hood.

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Need that 100kg warhead HE, and good old classic British 6.7 ground man I miss it more and more every day

I’ve only relatively recently tried to learn ground, and until they do something, im not going to bother playing it. But man, getting through the APDS BRs sucked

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Sadly, Tornado F.3 smells like Javelin Mk.9 issues when we got supersonic jets :(
Or even worse? idk man

Yep, that is exactly what happened again. Though, it started with the Tornado Gr1 in the same update that added the Gen 4s. Which would have been perfectly fine, if the Tornado Gr1 added something… unique, a new mechanic, or feature. But it just didn’t. It was just a slight upgrade over the Jagaur Gr1A. If it had been added with even something relatively minor like ground radar, then everyone would be really happy, not too mention cluster bombs, ECM, etc There was dozens of options the Gr1 could have come with to make it worthy of that update. But its still not got anything

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The way I see it if the Gripen can be added and the Rafale is in the CDK the Typhy can come tbh their flight performance isnt much different between the 3 of them

Imo its kind bs that just because the Typhy managed to beat the Raptor which people fail to mention always that the Raptor had a restriction of retaining bags (Drop Tanks) which I reckon is why it won

Yeah, would require the right tuning, but absolutely achievable with some effort. But even if it did end up at 13.0. Absolutely no reason why It couldnt come early next year as the first 13.0 assuming most nations got decent 12.7s this december and Britain just got a short term usable 12/12.3.

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Genuinely really really hoping yall at least get a JAS39D genuinely