Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 3)

Yeah, Until im actually in the aircraft, with everything they’ve promised. Im gunna call BS.

To be absolutely honest, the thing about Fox 3s that worries me the most right now is that gaijin might end up putting them on 12.3s if the december update does indeed bring them.

I don’t want to have to deal with even more advanced missiles in my 11.3s…

The gameplay thing really is more of a general worry, because the game is getting increasingly stale, even when trying to switch between nations and eras. Yet there would be some very simple solutions to that, which sadly, are getting lost between all the people just waiting for newer tech to arrive.

Hopefully they’ll up BR them when they do since that’s also the logic they use to not put 9Ls on British phantoms, for example.

The F1C honestly even in its current environment is still very good, I still enjoy it even over the 2000 sometimes the F1 just has a unique charm to it so honestly talisman once you get it you wont regret it

there is an option for the gripen talking about IR missile, between the 9L and the IRIS-T and that missile is the Python-4, the Gripen could carry them, is the only nation with israel that could recive it.

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The Gripen is gonna be really weird in War Thunder because theres a TON it can carry and uses obviously it mainly uses IRIS-T and Meteor but theres a lot of oppritunity for it


I can already see the swedish tech tree:
JAS39C (Early)
JAS39C (Late)


Im hoping that the only things at 12.3 with Fox 3 are fairly low performance. Sea Harrier, Tornado, AV-8B+. Things that wont necessarily be overly strong.

Everything else with Fox 3, mainly gen 4s, will be at least 12.7.

Though I do hope we see ECM and CM overhaul at the same time. (Should have come this update) and then that would further enhance the 11.3s to survive. Tornado IDS for example would be able to hold its own quite well and delivery its ordanance with its full defensive kit, even vs 12.7s with Fox 3

Typhoon is gunna be in the same boat.

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A will be event probably unfortunately

And dont forget Gripen Maritime eventually

Nah, even though they seem to be skipping it for now, the A variant should still be added as a tech tree vehicle. The B, D and F would be better event and premium versions.
Torn about the Maritime variant tho

I wonder if the naval missile code we’ve been seeing has anything to do with whats appeared in the store?

imo, it 's similar to what we seem to be seeing in the JPN tree: the capability gap between the top of the TT right now and the immediate next addition is not anticipated to be as large as that which will follow the next addition - accordingly, they’ll be adding a variant w/ as much future-proofing as regards possible weaponry as they find practical, since it will be required to maintain it 's top-of-TT position for as long or longer than what 's presently there.

ngl I saw those recently and didn’t even bat an eye

I almost did as well but the 150 dollar price tag caught my eye.

It just occured to me, if that game is gonna use the same engine as War Thunder, just like they did with Enlisted, could that mean that all this naval stuff that has been found on the dev server is meant for that game?

Probably not directly, but WT Mobile 's naval environment does have some fairly noticable resemblances to MW - call it " inspiration " maybe.

Mobile also has some currently unused functionalities which may also have been conceived from the experiences of MW 's devteam - several kinds of AShM controls, and ofcourse the playable aircraft carriers.

Since we’ve had similar( but more complex ) equivalents of those added to the files here in WT, it may be that other mechanics present in Modern Warships could show the way NF here may later.

I’m guessing that they’re going to use Modern Warships as a testbed to see how well these mechanics will work over here. AShMs for ships and aircraft over there and then rush them over here if they work well, possible CVs as well.
I just hope they take their time and don’t rush out a half-baked product.

Yeah, I just looked Modern Warships up, that seems very plausible. Apparently that game uses the Unity Engine, so that could really be the ideal testbed for new naval content