Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 3)

Anyway I need to go to bed now as it’s like almost half 1 with work tomorrow

Yeah me to, maybe they just forgot about it?

I’m confused, why would there be a rank 9 for more gen 4s? Aren’t those usually saved for leaps in tech? So in this case gen 4.5s/5s?

He’s taking gaijins wording on the Spey Phantoms not getting AIM-9Ls from the Q&A and turning them into “AIM-9Ls = Rank 8”, so his reasoning for rank 9 is “AMRAAM = Rank 9”

Ah, I see.

I honestly don’t know if we’ll ever see a rank 9 before gen 5s, since that’d imply gen 4 premiums. Even ground right now I feel it’s superficial to bring them to rank 8 as we’d be moving a good chunk of existing vehicles over.

it would be weird for the uk to have 3 rank 8s then jump to 9 but how ranks are made varies from tree to tree and don’t really make sense

Fox 3 could be a far larger jump than what we saw for Rank 8.

I could see them add rank 9 for late 4.5 gens, but not for just AMRAAM platforms, especially if we get them on our current roster

The whole rank system only really exists to force people to research multiple vehicle columns anyways

Usually when they add a new rank they also follow that up with premiums and new vehicles of that for all nations, but from what I can tell the order is usually:
-add some major advancement in the form of some tech or vehicle generation to a few nations
-add the rank and more vehicles and premiums for other nations in the following update

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Yeah they couldn’t get it despite having a complete monopoly on it. Got more retarded shit to say?

he kinnda shut up after that

The flight performance was really the reason for the new rank though. We jumped to aircraft that started accelerating going straight up lol.

I don’t think Fox 3s are going to change the game much. If you think about it, they’re going to be less meta impacting compared to front aspect IR missiles. Fox 3s will give a player the ability to take down multiple targets quickly but only if they’re oblivious, which will be hard when their RWR will get pinged about it unlike IR that requires actually looking around.

Possibly, if anything, to delay gen 5s as long as possible since not all nations have one and they’re not all comparable to each other.

People keep on claiming the most idiotic things after the forum change, on a higher average atleast.

Also russia is known for using titanium for submarines in general at that…

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Though The Tornado F3, Tornado Gr1 and Harrier Gr7 are all Rank 8. None of which fall into the category. All 3 would have been Rank 7 if it wasnt for the fact they were added so late and nothing was added afterwards.

I am torn about the impact of BVRAAMs on Air AB, I am sure they won’t be meta changing tho, since the meta already is hugging the deck.
The thing I am worried about is how little room for error is going to be left and how infuriating the large lobby sizes are going to be if the map designs and core gameplay loop don’t get improved to suit the new tech better

That I agree on, It is time ARB got some love to better accomodate the more modern era, Unfortunately most just want to slam their faces into a furball and move onto the next match.

I suppose that’s true.

It’s unfortunate but Fox 3s or not, the gameplay will stay the same I think. I just see Fox 3s right now as longer ranged IR missiles in terms of how it would affect gameplay.

I guess I really have to get my HOTAS setup back together and join sim if I want some more engaging gameplay and to get a chance to use my aircraft for the tasks that they were designed for

Yeah. That’s why I exclusively play SB these days. I’ve nearly gotten to the point where I cant fly third person with M&K. Last time I did in the Tornado Gr1, I had to swap my HOTAS back in and swap controls because it just felt wrong.

My feeling is from hopeful to giving up

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