Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 3)

lets hope for rank 8 ground and funny things like 30mm wiesel, marder 2, bmpt, EBRC or AMX-10 Jaguar… stuff like that

By the sounds of it not only we may get rank 8 ground but we may also get rank 9 air as well because of AMRAAM

Delta’s above 11.0 are interesting, but Mirages/Kfirs are the better one’s. Also magic 2’s got a buff. I’m not sure if the Mirage 3’s get them (I don’t really know loadouts of French planes).

Good luck with the air grinding.

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If 9L are rank 8 material then Aim-120 are defo rank 9

They promised the Swedish tree a new top tier.

Gripen has nothing between AIM-9L and IRIS-T level missiles. And a less than 1:1 T/W with 6 9L’s isn’t top tier worthy, I’d say AMRAAM’s are confirmed so its definitely a major update as we always expect in December.

For ground it’ll be good to see the more promised leopards (as well as some other Russian and US tanks).

they could always do a f16 and give it skyflashes

I’d like to see more tanks for the UK, but not at top tier but things to fill other gaps and Br’s.

I’d really really like to see the UK and France get IFV lines and also for the UK’s vickers line to be filled as there’s 3 tanks which would be really noteworthy additions.

Yea I mean doing a historical loadouts isn’t really anything new

We won’t see rank 9 in december, doesnt matter if we actually get AMRAAMs or not

Definitely definitely definitely the Gripen C can’t under any circumstances use SKYFLASH’s.

IIRC F-16 did however in a singular variant which had a singular modified radar with a CW illuminator.

I did a lot of digging. It appears the Gripen A could use them as a stopgap before AMRAAM entered service, so the initial radar set must have had a CW illuminator but the PS/05 mk 3 on the Gripen C definitely lacks them.

Dude they said in the Q&A if fighters with 9L are rank 8 worthy, then by this AMRAAMs are defo rank 9

Plus the Aim-120 has been confirmed along side the gripen for this year

AIM-9Ls aren’t the thing that makes an aircraft rank 8, that specific line is a consequence of a recent change that pushed specific BR borders for ranks. That is why they say the british phantoms would have to become rank 8s if they got up to 11.7 due to AIM-9Ls

And no, AIM-120 and the gripen aren’t confirmed, they were mentioned to be planned on 2 forum threads by people that may not even be involved with that development

At this point, Im kinda expecting Britains top tier to be Tornado F3 with Skyflash Actives (ARH versions of the Skyflash that were scrapped in favour of the Aim-120) That will probably perform worse than all other ARH and SARH by a country mile.

Im pretty sure it was but ill check a for it

Basically Swedens only top tier option unless they go for a Finnish F-18 which I think would piss a lot of people off. But could be Gripen A I suppose

Yes it was

Gripen could technically get Active SKYFLASH and as far as i know the design work was actually completed on the missile, just halted as it became obvious that a low cost AIM-120 was not needed because the US was gonna mass produce the fuck out of the thing.

I give up speculating what top tier gets I just want what we have in the current BR’s to be better.

mate, no need to check for it, I’ve seen both of these “confirmations” and mentioned multiple times how they aren’t real confirmations

thank you

That post was edited and says planned in reality, not confirmed
Also, that is a Moderator