Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 3)

I dont believe the British ones did, but Id have to double check that.

Hmm, I haven’t checked, but I thought they did?

They do

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Nope, they won’t, it’ll end up being the same as always, just F-4M/K without 9L

I remember someone mentioning it on the Antilla Dev server, but Im not sure if it actually came to the game or not.

I haven’t played SB with the Phantoms since then, so I haven’t needed to use IFF

If they don’t have it ingame that would be a bug, since they list it in their x-rays

I’ve not touched the Phantoms in SB since about summer 2022. I got so bored of them I spent much of my time in the Jag or Harriers and then the Gr7 when that was added. Despite having an extremely low BR in SB, I just cannot bring myself to play one.

Yeah, I am just struggling to grind the F-4M rn, I’ve gotten the 540lb bombs but man… researching 2x bombs and SNEBs before I can even research AIM-9D… it’s difficult

Tomorrow, if everything is alright, Mirage 2000-5F will have 256 CM, ~4 time it’s actual amount, gorgeous fix ! :D


This with the confirmed HMD radar for the future, is really good.


That’ll certainly be good to see. Sometimes the minor QOL upgrades really do make all the difference. France will definitely be my next TT.

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Hope you will enjoy it !

I’m stuck at Mirage IIIC, waiting sales for perhaps taking the F1C200 but I’m afraid I’ll just be annihilated by the other 12.0+.

those lucky French i love it when they do something that isn’t the big 3

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5 months (“minor nation time tax”) for this fix but always better late than never. x)

Based upon a quick test in test flight… maybe? I dont know if id trust it in an SB game though.

But if it does, then Im surprised its still at 10.7 in SB. I thought htat was the sole reason it was so low

you will get annihilated by f16s and mig29s but sometimes you can get lucky

I haven’t got the F-1C but i’ve test flown it and i’ve also heard its bad. May be worth talismanning the TT 10.3 Mirage (3?). Obviously do your own research as I might have picked the worst one there but i recall hearing it was good.

Given the economy changes, if you have premium, you don’t really need the premium SL bonus on premium vehicles to go positive easily in Air RB.

Speaking of the changes, hopefully we can see some of those RP changes in the roadmap.

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cool, another R&R can be shelved.
see ya in the next… hopefully the next update will be more interessting.

I have high hopes for the December update. I will very much enjoy that thread.

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I’ve been advised to talisman the IIIE instead indeed, but I don’t know how to play the IIIC, so it might be horrible to grind the IIIE too.

To be seen, i just didn’t play air since years haha.