Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 3)

he hasnt outright stated anywhere hes gonna start banning people, he only said those with warnings will, and as far as i know, i dont have any

ofc smin if youre reading this, say otherwise

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I wake up not only to the maintenance notice, but also to the Cobi 1/12 Tiger arriving. This is a good day.


Still think we need to give other nations 12.3s before we look at 12.7s like that. Dont forget 2 nations still dont have 12s


Oh no!! you discovered the hidden farce behind the title.

Well, this topic was always like that. What you observe, after many updates, stops being an interpretation and becomes a fact.

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Understood, I’m just pointing out we all have our specific axes to grind, some are just much larger than others.

I felt for you when I read the Q&A today bro. I literally don’t have anything UK past rank 2 and never will, and even I was deeply disappointed, lmao.

Not to be off-topic of course.

God forbid someone becomes part of the solution.

Yeah, todays Q&A confirmed that no Dev has even properly looked at the Britian TT in years. Not too mention actually played any of the aircraft. but Im glad everyone in the comments basically pointed out how wrong they were.

But yeah. I dont mind those aircraft coming sooner rather than later. But I just fear the gap widening faster than its closed. Even if Britain, Sweden and those without 12.3s get additions, that a few nations are going to go to 12.7 and the slim hope we have for even a brief window of competitiveness will be closed before its even opened. Would be nice for the Soviets and the US to just have an update off, with no additions for a change.


He seems too make it clear that eventually they will begin too take more steps too stopping people who don’t follow thread rules.

Also I whish messages could be pinned like in the past…


Yea even TEC was like what the hell you done that with the harriers why not the phantoms.

But yea I think now gaijin has a policy to not give Britain a good fighter in the fighter line


It will be my mission to keep the next one on topic

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I strongly believe that Gaijin have a policy to not give Britain anything good, in any TT and have done so for well over a year.

We havent actually gotten a single competitive or good addition in the past year. Everything has a giant Handicap that makes it almost unplayable or certainly bottom tier.


I think its been since the Hunter F.1/F.6 and maybe once they buffed the FGR the first time since Britain has been caught up

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Update soon!

Anyone know how long for the server to update and come back online? I could have sworn they used to post estimated end times but was just curious.

And tbf if you were off topic we all were

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Any info on the planned economy changes?

I don’t remember them posting specific times when the servers would be back up, but it usually doesn’t last very long.

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Around 2 hours, if I recall correctly.

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Woop patch time, sorry if answered, but will there be a chance of surprise additions to the game, or have we seen all the vehicles ready for this patch?

Not even remotely. He’s completely off his rocker.

Except, they didn’t, the comments were only coming from well known Brit complainers.