Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

How would that work?

Must be true then!

I chose to skip the Su-27 since no variants other than the Su-30 and later could mount R-77s. I did, however, purposely leave out Britain getting anything and the F-4F ICE getting AMRAAMs.

I’m thinking based.

You neglected to include the Gaijin’s artificial limitation of MICA-EMs to 2 on the Mirage.

Leading trough the gps coordinates of the ground radar

Well, time to smash the F5 button on the News page till the evening.

You can wait half an hour before that. Give your fingers a rest until then.

When can we expect a teaser? Next week or the week after that?

Today is a good bet based on October/November updates from prior years.



Indeed, Patrick. Indeed.

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what was that?
What did Gszabi write righte there ?

What’s with the ß, is what I want to know.


I thought it was already posted, since gzsabi was on this thread


Skill issue of mine

He said that the dev server got updated, and that a dev server is likely soon.

ah k. Thx
Did not see that one before

So, something for the Italians? That’s interesting.


11 year anniversary decal, also


A true pizza delivery truck, obviously. It has an autocannon that fires 10000 pizzas per minute.