Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

yes pls
anything french except for a second amx 13 with a chaffe turret.
The Chaffe hull with amg 13 FL 10 turret would be nice

I am assuming he meant the AMX International.

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highly doubt italy gets another light, seriously france, uk, israel, china,japan will go completly bonkers if italy gets another top tier light while they dont have one

does mean two blegs ?

who knows could mean 3 as well lol, but 1 might be battle pass one

How would they work in War Thunder, where there’s no GPS and no satellites as IRL? Is there a way to give coordinates in the game?

never heard of it
but it looks nice

well ground radars do exist

I would assume so, yes, which is very nice after Monday and Tuesday.

Maybe we will get a teaser today ?

AMX is basically an Italian/Brazilian Su-25/A-10 equivalent.

Mayhaps, however I’m guessing not due to how soon it’d be.

Eventually having a Brazilian one with Piranhas would be cool.

I’m gonna need some fox 3s chief

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Where did this idea that it’s “soon” came from? It’d be right on time if we consider the last two years’ Oct/Nov updates.

That is true, I forgot about that. Teaser it is, then.

Last year we got the teaser on the 13th.
First devblog came on the 12th

sure, it does not mean that we have to get a teaser today.
But the hope is there

Read the comment above.

Also consider that dev-stable got updated this morning, which usually indicates an imminent dev server. It all adds up to a teaser today + dev tomorrow.


Very interesting. I am looking forward to what’s happening today.

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