Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

He kept calling me “Russophobic anti-Russia U.S main” for days until I linked him over a dozen posts of me advocating for Russian tanks in diverse ways, both in terms of real life and ingame…

He has never addressed to me again since then xD

With no r73

Like you can add L-39 Albatros to Soviet TT, but you know it had 0 armaments, right? As the version they have its a training jet and only guns it probably has was 2x 7,6mm guns…thats it. Russia if im correct dont have any other version that was upgraded to be able to carry better guns and pay loads.

Mfw UKs best fighter is the phantom from 2019

Thats gaijin fault

Don’t even bother, you could add a T-14 Armata at BR3 with sci-fi force fields and he’d complain its at a too high of a BR and needs to go down

Nah…more like sub-TT in Poland but it would be better if the TT was combination of Poland and Czechoslovakia together and yeah of this nations fill their gaps nicely

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Yugoslavia with a Poland-Czechoslovak combo sub tree (I will never stop pushing for Yugoslavia).

And I still don’t have any flags available to flag him lol.

Yeah, this self mod thing is fine, if it actually let you do it, I think i have an alt account somewhere I need to dust off

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no Blog?

Noch nicht.

Probably in 2 hours ish

T14 armata isnt even ready bruh

They can add T-90M, T-90M, 72B3 and BVM with APS

Object 195… Object 640 etc

T-84 Oplot…

ja gut dann

wen Flaggen den grade alle?

I hope it is today last night was just hell

And i will never stop pushing for combo TT of Poland and Czechoslovakia. Shame that Yugo is a balkan sate…and i think only connection together is Yugoslavia using our M53/59 and later modified it so it can shoot R-60 and R-73. I think they called it Pracka.

Yeah that sucked. Wasnt exactly massively impactful news either yesterday. Those economy changes are… fine… but not really that big of a deal either.

Run that by me one more time; I have no idea what that means.

Wait what