Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Well tbf it’s only the October ones as they are when they usually get added.
That’s why I get hyped around this time

But yea I’m apologise for being a pain

Ah… Yeah

Might as well just go back into my corner and play cromwells and crusaders again for the next 3 years

One of the many reasons I’ve stopped messaging this the UK for a while now, since it seems like it rarely gets an growth equivalent too what other nations receive.

That’s currently why I’m grinding China, and also why I take a lot of interest in it, as it seems too have a lot of growth potential, and gajjin seems too actually be giving it some decent attention as of late, so I’m really hoping the JH-7 is coming

@Smin1080p Should we be holding our breath for anything for top tier british air this update? Or any additions outside of Vickers Mk.11?

I think that was less of a case of the Harrier being good, and more of a case of 9L’s being broken.

The more pixels, the more real it becomes.

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That missile looks almost like R-24.

Hey hey its a rooikat

Thanks you, gives a bit more legitimacy too the leak, but obviously tomorrow will seal the deal with dev stream

Not within this major.


I think that one is actually legit.
Usually when a list contains a lot of vehicles no one talked about or people weren’t expecting its the one

Yeah, at this point, I think im going to have to start grinding out another nation, would be a total shame, having bought several premiums to then just abdandon Britain due to it being neglected


74km max range on the F-11C radar which has air and ground tracking capability

Damn not even the F-111K :(

well thats fake, eurocopzrt block 2 propably already is in the game , i think leopard 40/70 was italien and the hell is a leopard 1M

welp damn

eurocopter block 2 isn’t in game

Unfurtunately upgrade to MK.III was canceled in favour of MK.II+ and it is not certain if it will get Akeron LP