Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Yeah… Gen 3 ARH vs Gen 4 SARH might actually be balanced, but no way in hell they’d let that happen. Might be unfair on US/USSR


I think you know what I’m hoping for but can you the deny the new nation please

I actually won’t be mad but relived

Lmao if it’s real than yeah, it’s another rough day for the UK, but really tho the list does seem plausible, and Italian helicopters have been in a sad spot for a bit

It simply might be not ready yet you know…

We’ve had legit leaks in the past, if this one has been shown before the teaser dropped then I’d be a lot more inclined too take it seriously

We just got a subTT last update. Technically a new nation.

They also started half the French navy then stopped.

Game don’t need a new nation when so many gap exists, especially if it’s for a nation full of copy/past.

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So far we’ve only seen some ships which noone will play and the Vickers…
No sign of life from the trailer either…

Fellas, I don’t wanna get your hopes up, I just fear that we already know what’s coming

Hope the Type 81 gets its unique and very cool reload animation :D


The last time it wasnt a rough day was this time last year when we got the Gr7. At the time, I was little disappointed the FGR2 was being replaced by a CAS jet, but the Gr7 turned out to be quite good fun and still the best jet we have. Since then… Gr1 and F3 have both been total disappointments and both nearly DOA

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oh that looks nice

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Never underestimate gaijins abilty to fuck nations over, better to get new audiences than please the ones you already have, we arent going anywhere no matter what they do

Im not here to deny a new nation for you every single update. Please just stop expecting it and then it can only be a pleasant surprise in the future if we ever have one.


I fear the same, rarely does britain get more than 2 vehicles per update and we’re already technically at 3

When M2K was introduced it could steam roll basically anything in its path.
It lasted 1 update only, but still.

And its not like a f4 ICE or a tornado armed with low range fox3 would make that much of a difference, especially if the seeker is a copy pasted aim54 seeker.

I think it was a bit of a miss opportunity on their part.

Same with Mirage 3. LOOONG time overdue (remember when we were waiting Mirage 3 and Gaijin give us F-100D 9months after the US?), was amazing when it come… Only to be killed by other major nation stuff just the next update.


But yeah, Tornado F3 could have come 2022 and then we could have gotten Tornado F3 CSP maybe around the time of the F14B.

Frankly we’re spoilt rotten at this point! No new vehicles for the next 5 updates!


Sry meant mirage 2000

That too, wouldnt surprise me now.
