Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

oOoOoO you want to argue on the forums until the part 3 comes oOoOoO

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In December update you will get Tornado F3 CSP. Why CSP? Cuz it does not get DL, so you will be behind everything else even with AMRAAM.

I think this game is Germany Biased, russia and USA are treated very poorly. We should get Abrams X and T14 at 10.0 or they will be too weak. Ah, and 279 should be moves to 6.0 so nothing can pen it.

Any more roadmap updates this patch that I’ve missed, Wasnt the RP buffs for when you complete a tree suppose to be coming this update?

not necesarily completed, when you reach tier 6 or 7 already u will get buffs until 6-7 in another tree, but even then we dont know if those boosts will be limited daily

Found it

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Oh nice

we DO know they are limited. It says in the economy post Morvran_ linked that it applies to the first three matches of the day

Missed that bit, well thats BS and stupid. Though I play SB, so hopefully that is the first 3 SB matches per day and not capped to just the first 30 mins of SB per day. So that is still potentially quite a big boost. But none the less, i hope they change that to be uncapped. Otherwise its completely worthless gesture l

I am sarcastic

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currently, boosters last one match and max 30 minutes in sim, i don’t know if this will work the same

If its applied at all to SB. Wouldnt be the first time SB wasnt excluded from something like this. But id guess 30 mins.

@Stona_WT or @Smin1080p

Any word on the status of this roadmap update? has it been delayed or can we expect some news next week? Figured we’d have heard something this week


Additionally, do you know what the plan is for SB, how the RP bonus is going to be applied if its limited to just the first 3 matches of the day

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First tre Matches of the day?

Thats what is says in the paragraph above what I quoted

Damn that’s a Downer


Yep, missed that myself initially. Though we were never going to get 100% good changes to the economy, There was always going to be some "but"s in there

Wounder if that was there in the beginning

I like how gaijin goes to all this effort to make the RP changes as lame as possible, especially when they could have just increased all rewards by 50% and called it a day


Probably, Im actually the first comment on that page asking for how things will be applied to SB (probably due to that) but id just forgotten about it. Though I never got a response

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