So the strikemaster coming in opens the gates for the likes of the A37 Super Tweet, the Fouga Magister, L39, MB326, and the T33 Shooting Star.
The latter in particular could really help fill out early cold war aircraft for a bunch of nations (literally all of them except USSR) the same way the M109 helps with ground. It would be the air Sherman.
L-39C which is the version Russia bought from us (Czechoslovakia) was a pure training jet at had pretty nothing in armaments. Like max what it had was 2x 7,6mm guns. Thats it.
Well, it had 2 pilons, but max carry weight of them was only 125 kg.
Hey guys whats your thoughts on Black Hawk, Object 775, french and italian top tier helis and on Mi-8 new model found in game (people say its AMTSh yet i dont think so)
Version visible in the dev server asset viewer appears to be the what was originally called Mi-8AMTS. In its post-1996 configuration, before the steerable electro-optical turret was added on later generations of AMTSh: An Mi-8AMT with the Raduga system from the Mi-24V giving it the ability to use 9M114 missiles.
Designation was changed slightly to Mi-8AMTSh later on. Text saying Mi-8AMTSh and the export designation Mi-171AMTSh are just about visible in these later photos
In 1996 the Mi-8AMTS had the Raduga system in a single unit in the nose kind of similar to Mi-28’s layout. But it was changed to the external podded system more like Mi-24V we see in the later images