Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Im not sure about a lot of them, as its a grey area, but the Jaguar definetly was shown to have them (no idea if they actually ever strapped to the wing) but I know a tech mod has internally forwarded that suggestion. Would be the exact buff the Jaguars need right now

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There are two versions of the M109, so three artillery vehicles are being added.

I’m liking the possible new indications of a WWM season starting soon:


iirc they’ve had ships and helis feature as part of the out-of-match strategic battles of WWM before, it’ll be interesting to see if these imply that these kinds of vehicles will have their own independent matches w/in the season.


It’s not like SRAAMs were actually ever used anyways lol

Still, for a SPA update, there is an extreme lack of SPAs.

The Hunter F6 and Harrier Gr1 did test fire them, thats why they got them. But there are several images shown with them on display

and you all continue to refuse to give the AH-64D its AGM L variant hellfire missiles while rasing its BR to 11.7, even though germany has fire and forget missiles, and their are fire and forget atgms in the game and the KA-50 Vihkirs still hit people through smoke and that helicopter is sitting at 11.0, even though the missile itself cannot do both ground attack and proxy air burst at once. Once again proving the Russian bias in this game.

oh god, training variants <.<

Didnt German mains want to get some trainers :P

That’s the thing tho, they were only ever tested, so it’s already kinda weird for them to be in the game
I wouldn’t see any harm in giving the british Phantoms, the Jaguars and the Tornado these very niche missiles

Oh man, the poor ol Alpha Jet


Yeah, I do agree with that, at full power (2km range and all aspect) they would be very much welcome on the Phantoms and Tornados… but I think the only one that we can hope for is the Jags at the moment, and out of the 3, its probably the one having the hardest time, with only 2x 9Gs


So if Italy and France will get new Helis with FF missiles, what about other nations? Israel, China, and even other NATO nations helis? CM502KG has been in CDK for over 1 year…, and Israel as the SPIKE producer can’t equip it on their AH64?

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For those interested in SRAAM changes “rumoured”

So been in the works for 4 months by this point. Im hoping to see them at some point in the next year or so

friendly reminder they needed 9 months to fix the bug of gepard 1a2 being able to equip proxy stingers, wouldnt anticipate sraam changes anytime soon


Afaik britains only option would be the Wildcat with Martlet missiles, which would probably be a bit too advanced currently, dunno about the other nations

Yeah… took them 9 months to fix the radar on the FRS1 and all the info needed forthat was given to them week 1. But yeah. Most briitsh bugs take 6 months to 2 years+ to get fixed.

Can you not make every comment about britain? Lol

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Only nation I play, only nation I keep my ear to the ground for. So whilst I dont know anything about or even care about a bug for other vehicles. something like the placeholder FRS1 stuff was a very much big deal that I kept an eye on and asked about regularly as it rendered that aircraft unplayable/pointless in SB

Not too mention the fact its the nation that needs the greatest amount of TLC.

Meanwhile French roland always limited when aiming up (+35° max… (reminder: +80° for the German one) bug reported yearS ago) and still don’t have the tracking radar while Germany and USA enjoy the French tracking radar on their Rolands platform x)))