Actually, the british one has a wikipedia page so there’s probably actually documentation on it somewhere
//no Canadian variant I could find
Actually, the british one has a wikipedia page so there’s probably actually documentation on it somewhere
//no Canadian variant I could find
Nope just US and Australia with our one
The one Australian vehicle Britain didn’t get. Besides the C is more likely as it’s a variant of the A.
I found a clearer image of the plans
I’d be so down to have this. There’s more evidence for its existance than F-16AJ, there’s a clear plan of how the plane would look and it was partway completed.
It would literally just be a reskin and Gaijin could put it into the UK tree.
Well not quiet a reskin but yea it’s 110 time better than the AJ
Also this as well I found
@Legwolf Also if we use the F-16AJ logic then the UK can have the F-14 as well as the MOD and navy was looking that, that but is was too much for us
I don’t think it’s an unreasonable request, given that the plane’s model is already made
is this good? idk my knowledge dosent reach further than the fact that its an anti ship missile
No that’s stretching it so hard lol
We never purchased, assembled, drew up plans or anything for F-14 beyond MoD considering it. Thinking about it and going through with it are two seperate things
F14 should also stay as a mainstay of the US tree at high teirs
Wait i can post again? LETS GO
1000%, I don’t want made up aircraft in UK tree. I want stuff that’s not just complete fabrications
I’m away from home, can someone on the dev server tell me what BR the US M109A1 is?
La Combattante, most likely ?
Not against it, as long as it’s a premium… If it was in the tech tree, it would be absolutely ridiculous, since France has more than enough home made destroyers to fill the gaps.
Remember the funky X-wing had its engine fully tested, had extensive wind model tests and apparently a full scale mockup was viewed by margaret thatcher
They did really stress in the dev stream that this isn’t everything shown and that more is to come but isn’t ready yet. I’m thinking the Rooikat HVM
Imagine a grin screaming through my face :)
Cavour technically counts, but I mean like New Mexico and Revenge, something to plug the gap between Arizona and Colorado or Colossus and Nelson. Since as I’ve said in previous posts, every other country (aside from the US and UK) have only one or two more battleships to add before they’re completely out until WW2 new builds. And we can’t really get these new ships until Gaijin stops sitting on their laurels and introduces the first 16-inch gun battleships.