Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

ik still kinda forced with that argument they could’ve used another one

Also Oxy shorta teased more German-Hungarian tanks from the last update

someone said KF41 for the german tree?

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More like Tigers in Italy lol

last stand i know they were still debating if hungary had ownership of them

Gszabi has updated the unused assets site ( ) once again, there 's some new things to discuss:

Added statcard pictures to the entries for unused vehicles, some have been updated
A6M5(PRC) a6m5_zero_china
[Re.2000 GA serie III (377ª Sq.)]re_2000_ga_ep

And it 's just nice to have the entries associated w/ their material evidence

A number of interesting new additions to the UI/Icons section:

For 4x bombs on combined fueltank/hardpoint:

A number of high-drag bomb configurations:

and " heavy " high drag bombs:

Multiple " heavy " firebombs:

Six kinds of JDAM, ordered by weight:

Triple air-launched mines:

Two-on-pylon large AAM 's, second type, and large IR AAM 's, second type

Quadruple AAM pylon for third quadruple AAM type:

Multiple Anti-Ship Missiles on pylon:

" RJAM " pod ( suspected to be for ECM pods, like the one in the files for the JA 37D )

There 's also a new section for unused things later removed entirely( but could still reappear )

And for things which have been leaked by Oliviia, but haven’t appeared in the files yet


well few intresting thing there, ecm pod being the biggest for me


Now this is interesting; AShM’s, 4 AAMs (mabye 8 if they are wing mounted) on the same pylon, ECM pods and JDAMs

This update or the december one could be really interesting if these all come

Perhaps it also signifies the movement of naval from dreadnoughts and WW2 ships forward into the missile age seeing as we’ve had several indications that DDGs are on the way

Out of all the German “wunder weapon” designs, this is easily the most egregious “please keep me off the front lines I swear this works” one.

Coal powered ramjet Dorito, with a top speed above an F-86. Oooook Lippisch


I believe it’s designed to intercept the submersible Sukhoi models


Is this
“The sounds of engines and tracks of enemy and allied ground vehicles are now divided into separate groups. Previously, enemy and allied ground vehicles sounded exactly the same, but now the control of enemy and allied vehicle sounds is independent, giving you the ability to increase the sound of enemy vehicles.”
going to be finally implemented in the next update or will this just be forgotten and treated like it was never there?

Very interesting lots of future aircraft with this weapon

This is cool what aircraft hold that many missiles like that

Also would like to see more ASMs

ECM being worked on nice


sorry but wrong thread, devs dont answer here, and smin and co only peak here rarely as well, your message gonna ge under the flood of messages pretty quickly

Yeah, that would be an aamzing “minor” update addition. id take that on the Gr1 any day of the week

Thank you, these could all be awesome

maws for planes and ecm arriving on the same update sounds logical, looking forward to get a decent amount of countermeasures on my tornado as well since the maw dispenser has the same amount of lfares and chaff

Abt the former, there 's something abt this entry I should share:

While the weapon in the files was called " RIM-66 ", the visual model it used was something not quite the same:

This was when USS Douglas was being added, before it got it 's historically inaccurate RIM-24 's - Asheville-class ships lacked the space to fit TARTAR guidance, so they used the radar-emission-homing RGM-66 versions. Not quite the same as AGM-78 seen here though, those were air-launched !

Abt the latter, the Tornado F.3 and ADV use a similar icon to show their centerline Skyflash 's - but those planes only have the two missiles available to place there, so this third icon must be for another weapon - not necessarily one to be on a plane already ingame.

For the time being, it seems like those will be coexisting - for now they mostly lack the power to rapidly defeat large armoured ships, in comparison to the reverse engagement. One such ship is on the site now though, the guided missile destroyer BAP Ferre(DM-74) leaked by Oliviia.

In a previous update to the site we learned that development has even begun on VLS naval missiles, this being in the files:

The AShM 's ones I have no idea what the triple and quad per-pylon icons might be for, the only things that immediately sprang to mind for those kinds of numbers are the B-52H and Tu-95MS, which. Well.

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Cant wait to get slaughtered by a bomber or DDG from 50 miles away carrying anti ship missiles in naval soon then, Red storm rising anyone?

DId any of the TOrnado IDS have MAWS?

But yeah, Full CM count and ECM would transform the IDS from being an okay bomber, to a true Interdictor. If ASMs come too then that would be awesome.

was also hinted at that the Tornado IDS was getting a totally new radar a few months ago, so again, taht would be a nice update.

Dont get me wrong, I still want a new jet, but actually finishing the Gr1 and other IDS would be akin to adding new jets to all 3 nations, they would be awesome

Maybe maritime patrol aircraft as well. Tho i don’t see those till modern naval has progressed a bit more. But just thinking of flying muh P-1 mmmm