Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

that ain’t hard tho

I think even my Mexas has comparably better armor at it’s BR

Problem with Shar 2 is it will be a pure “gremlin”. you sneek around and drop some AMRAAMs, but you are inferior to everything else. Im affraid it will also be DOA, if Blue Vixen gets Blue Fox treatment.

true sea harrier FA2 would be fun, but like the Gr7 wouldnt be competive at all at top tier

Maybe. Gr7 can beat F-16s and Mig-29s in a turn fight if you VIFF right. Whilst FA2 wouldnt be as good, it does have the off-bore-sight power for the Aim-9M.

In BVR, its radar is akin to that found in F-15s and F-18s, so will probably have the best radar in the game for a little while.

WIll have to be flown right, but unlike the F3. It will be a weak 12/12.3 vs 12.3s and not a “good” 11.3 vs 12.3s. It also has some other bits and pieces im looking forward to in SB, like the better cockpit and being able to take some bombs

Israel rank 1-3, talk about a turnaround

If an F-16 or Mig-29 decide to dog you in a GR.7, they are not the smartest around. If you see a GR.7 you try to missile it, gun it if its doging somone else and if you cant you simply fly away, it can do nothing.

Yeah, but still going to last longer in a fight than the F3 currently does.

You do fight in F3? i fly to the side, trying to be as invisible as possible, i try to kill some guy who are unaware (but skytrashes are always on watch, and expolde midair or miss shots 9C would hit) and i run, repeat untill im out of missiles, game is over or im targeted by anything over 11.0 br.

I play SB. In that, most engagements become a joust. If the joust fails then running away isnt an option, Mig-29s are faster, and by the time I’d try to turn to get another shot off, Mig-29 has done a 180 and is on my tail. Its rare to be in a situation where you can engage like that. Everything is almost always 1v1

I see, props to you for having mentality strong enough to play that thing in sim.

I only stomach short matches occasionally. Im just trying to keep some proffeciency with the radar. Usually im in the Gr7 or FRS1 at the moment, Though last update kinda pissed me off with them giving 3 nations that didnt need anything 12.3s and so taking a break from WT at the moment, but keeping an eye on the october update.

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You just reminded my i have to grind 16c. Thanks.

All Tornados have too high BRs and were introduced a year too late.

Year+ late yeah, wrong BR? Maybe not. But should have been replaced by now, thats the issue

Should have been introduced along with the Mig-27, I guess Danger Zone upgrade or something. That would have been perfect.

Right now its a bit dull. Instead of Mig-23 as best fighter of its time, its beeing clubbed by Mig-29 and F-16 etc. (F-16 with bombs also hitting bases much earlier, Tornado so useless, in a typical match you get no base and ofc no kill).

Also anti-ground its meh. The age of laser guided bombs is over since contrails and Pantsir are a thing. While other CAS jets had like 2 years fun with their GBU’s, Tornado was introduced at the very end of this era…I had exactly one patch fun (3 months), then there was a Pantsir and contrails revelead the position of every high alt plane. Especially unfair since I had to face this kind of CAS for months without getting some relief. But it seems as soon as Ger gets something after ages of waiting (like GBUs), its quickly patched out or nerfed :)

For the F3, i think it should have been an early 2022 addition. So mig23MLD would have been top dog for about 3 to 4 months till F3.

Gr1, i actually dont mind but i do play it in SB. Just wish theyd finish it. Still missing 50% of what made it great IRL. They still havent finished its FM yet

I don’t think you appreciate who thodin is and his priorities/agenda.


Suprise, It’ll likely be the T-90M, SEPv2 and some form of the 2A7 for rank 8 and a whole bunch of vehicles moving up.


Don’t forget Chinese VT-4, who’s tracks we found in the files a while ago


Nah that goes to the UK because of the Commonwealth you know hehe