Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

The IRIS-T was only tested on the F-4F ICE, it is also one of the best IR guided missiles in the world, and there is the AIM-9L/i.

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It’s debatable if the update was ground heavy, because quite a few of said ground vehicles were copy and paste, filler or sidegrades.

Meanwhile air got 2 new end of the line jets with new missiles and new mechanics related to RWR.

Not to mention that of the 3 updates before it 2 were air focused with the third being navel focused with still heavy air.

Gripen C (Swedish, Hungarian & SAAF), Eurofighter Typhoon FA.2 (UK) and F-15C (USAF) equipped countermeasures BOL dispenser ?

And Su-27S Flanker B, F-15J (JASDF) & Chengdu J-10A mount internal extra countermeasures ?

I guess fighter aircraft with active radar homing BVRAAM from Israel might be F-16I Sufa, F-15C & F-15I Ra’am in the future

F-16A Block 20 MLU (ROCAF) gajin consider BVRAAM AIM-120 same time ?

3 end of the line jets.

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Yeah I might have forgotten the Barak II until the moment I posted that.

But in my defense, Gaijin also forgets about Israel often.

And? Tested ordnance is totally valid to be added. Like the british Tornado PGM and countless others. If it used it, it should get it. US jets also sporting Aim-9M right now, while German fighter jets are going with R-60M and Aim-9J as best IR missiles. So Iris-t vs. Aim-9M would be just the same, just this time not in favor if the US, but the other way around for once. Why not? Its not a law that always US make the next big leap forward in terms of new equipment.

Its a German F-4F ICE and its clearly two Iris mounted on that double rail. So everything fine I guess.


I don’t think you appreciate how insane the IRIS-T would be at the moment.

That’s a long way off.

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True. IRIS-T will come to the game around 9X, ASRAAM, MICA, late R-73 ect. So in at least year time, probably more.


Any guesses when we could start seeing dovblegs? Does the event have to end or has devblogs started during an event before?

Probably 2nd week of the month


Yea it’s at least 2-3 weeks away so it won’t belong now


Has anyone noticed a bug with the indicator lights near the intake of the F-16D?

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There is the AIM-9L/i, however, which is the closest thing Germany has to an AIM-9M equivalent, with it being an AIM-9L with IRCCM, so that is what should be added for the F-4F ICE.


Dovblegerinos will probably start within the next three or so weeks.

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Yeah, As others have pointed out, IRIS-T is ASRAAM/Aim-9X equivalent. Aim-9L/i is probably going to be the IRCCM on your next few jets.

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F-4F ICE should get what it had. As default IR missile AIM-9L/i. Rank II mod AIM-9L/i-1 and as maxrank mod Iris-T. F-4 is an outdated airframe by then and needs something to compensate this.

And as I said, the best German fighter IR standard missile is currently the R-60M, while US F-16 are using AIm-9M, which is like a knife vs gun. So it shouldn’t be a problem if US goes with Aim-9M while the Ger F-4 gets Iris. It would be the same as R60 vs. Aim-9M, just this time the tech progression would favor Ger for the first time.

Sorry, but comparing IRIS-T to 9M is just wrong. Ignorign range, pulls ect. IRCCM are different. 9M counters flares by turning its seeker of when it spots them. IRIS-T irrc works on heat mapping, so it ignores flares regardless. Not fair in the slightest. And platform has nothing to do about it.

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No one compares it like this. I compare the current R-60M vs. Aim-9M situation with a possible Aim-9M vs. Iris-T situation in future. If its bearable for Germany to be this far behind, it hould be possible for others as well. Especially when Iris just comes with a F-4 airframe vs F-16/15/18.

If Germany develops the F-4 airframe that far, we should see that ingame.

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The IRIS-T would completely decimate everything, regardless of the platform.

So does the F-16 currently, so what? Just US have the license to profit from their tech progression?