Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Maybe, CM overhaul probably needs to come as well. Some jets have a fraction of the CMs they should have and before we see an ungodly amount of IRCCM missiles. We need better CMs. Was a mistake in my opinion to add them at all before that was done

Chances for next update? 😜

I’d guess Japans Fox 3 thrower

Thats what happened to me, i redeemed it once and it didnt load, hopefully it works now

That was it. Many thanks

Nothing still

I don’t want to get my hopes up but, I really don’t see why not, especially with APG-68 being a convenient excuse to avoid AESA conundrum (and both APG-68 and F-16C Block 50 are here).

I’d imagine it’d perform just as well as the current AJ except it’d be slower. Big bonus would be TWS, especially in ground RB. Getting to visually see where aircraft is without locking them is huge to taking out helis.

Honestly that could be done with either the F-15J, or X/F-2 so it’s a tossup.

i just want ship girls

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Im guessing X/F-2 as F-15 would have to come to US and probably Israel too, and they’ve both just gotten brand new F-16s that are (I believe) Fox 3 capable. It would be very unfair for them to get F-15s as well so soon. There is a lot of debate also whether F-15 should be added without ARH initially.

That being said, F-15 with Fox 3 would mean no remaining arguments against Typhoon.

Yea, I’d agree as we have no confirmation to expect F-15 and SU-27 this year so I don’t want expect that’s a given too.

Yeah. Though F-15, Su-27, Typhoon, Gripen, J-10 Update would be pretty epic and everyone would actually be happy for a change

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The more the merrier I say. Let everyone have fun.

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Yeah, here’s hoping

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yeah… but thats also so not gaijin ;D

Yeah, guessing F-15 for US, Su-27 for USSR and then nothing for anyone else :P

maybe F-15 for israel too

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my bet is F-15 for USA, Israel and Japan, Sweden Gripen, UK Typhoon, Germany F4F ICE, china maybe the J10A.

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Typhoon will come to Britain, Germany and Italy at the same time. Only fair way to do it. But I do see that day coming early next year though. They cant put it off forever.

Next update/Fox 3 update my guess is

New Aircraft:

Britain: Sea Harrier FA2
Sweden: Gripen
Japan: F-2 (or prototype variant)
Germany: F4-F ICE

Fox 3 to pre-existing aircraft:

US: F-16C
China: J8-F
Italy: F-16/AV-8B+
France; Mirage 2000
Israel: Barak II


Why wouldn’t the Typhoon go to Germany and Italy as well?

Imho Typhoon is currently out of question. It will take some time until we see this one.

Germany might get its F-4F ICE with Amraams, Iris-t and F/A18 Radar. Britain Mig-29 from India. Typhoon later on.