Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Yea and ? so was most of Europe.

Like we have 2 main tech trees, 2 sub trees and a lot of them in other trees even in the majors.

I say it tie to cut the moaning about the C&P.

We dont have that many large maps where a missile with such speed can burn for 4s.

If we fill every tree now with c&p then gaijin can change their hole tree system and make one giant tree. There is a reason why Germany didn’t get ground gdr vehicles in the whole existence of ground, because driving around in an east german IS2 or T34 while playing Germany is stupid.
The same argument is true for other trees aswell


I mean don’t get me wrong I love uniqueness as much as C&P but there are still trees out their that got a healthy mix. Poland, Benelux props Spain and Romania with there Polish stuff

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We guess currently gajin working 3rd generation targeting pod F-16C Block 50 (USAF) & MiG-29SMT (9-19), and new Air-to-Ground armament on F-16C Block 50 (USAF) ?

I just remembered,

Germany :

Air : Il-2, Yak 1, La-5FN.

Ground : T-34 747, KV II, KV IB, KV Ic.

Russia :

Air : Fw 190.

Ground : T-III, T-V.

Most of these vehicles are from the time gaijin still added captured tanks and planes. The Kw1c and T-34 747 are unique german field modifications.
Many of these got removed aswell

Where did you got the testdrive links from?

The only ones that got removed were the La-5 and the Fw 190 but they are hidden though not removed

The T3 and La-5FN got removed aswell. There are still tons of old captured planes and tanks in the files which never got added. Gaijin moved away from caputred vehicles a long time ago and only things like the swedish sherman got added because some people find it funny that it is in every tree

Since when ?

I was wrong there. I thought they removed it.

datamine discord server

Nah it still there iirc

Basically Ki-148 is a bullpup at 2.3 lmao.


How many of those missiles can it carry?Only one?

Yeah should be one I think

Many aircraft have camoflages belonging to other operators, what 's relevant to understanding their assigned operator is the one they have by default, and the flag presented on the statcard.
In both cases, the Su-25BM is assigned Kazakhstan - despite having Belorussian livery and statcard flag available. This deliberate choice, and the presence of the Belarus statflag in the files despite it, may point to other vehicles operated by that nation being in the plans for a later date.

The South Korean statcard flag probably has nothing to do w/ the decision to add the Norwegian variant of one of their vehicles to Sweden - we’ve known that the SWE tree is the planned mode of addition for NOR-operated vehicles since the video Q&A.
That same Q&A answered to the affirmative on the possibility of South Korea having their vehicles represented ingame - now w/ this new statement in the release notes, " the first South Korean vehicle ", we have reason to expect more. And, given their unused statflag, for some of those to be represented as being SK 's domestically operated ones.

I mean with the Poland nation thing there is the K2, KAI-50 and the K9.

“12 FA-50GF Block 10 and 36 FA-50PL Block 20 on order”

“At least 80 K9 chassis produced for AHS Krab in service in the Polish Land Forces. 48 K9A1 produced and delivered, 164 on order.”

Maybe, but that still wouldn’t override the relevance of the South Korean statcard flag 's presence in relation to the statements abt their vehicles.