Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Will we see the Type-2 Ka-Mi? get its pontoons and the dual 25mm Type-96 Anti-air modification which likely was done on the wreck of one but never the less existed. Since the Ka-Chi got its pontoons but the Ka-Mi for pretty much its entire existence hasn’t. The 25mm modification though would just be a fun modification treat or one could be a event vehicle


german tree N°2

The fact anyone thought Gripen C was 1.7BRs better than Mig-29 is hilarious.

people think weird things sometimes

the Su-25BM has a Belarussian camo

the South Korean flag was likely added before they decided the Vidar goes to sweden under Norwegian flag

That’s why it’s better to mix it with Romanian stuff, especially since there are multiple planes which were used by both Hungary and Romania, such as B-33, MiG-23UB/MF and etc + Romania will provide unique planes and modifications. Even without the full line they can already add at least some IAR 79 variants, Mávag Héja, Hungarian Fiat CR.32/42 and Romanian F-16.

I don’t oppose that, but I do somewhat oppose a standalone Romanian tree because it’s literally entirely the same tree as Germany with very few exceptions even at higher BRs

Romania has many unique post-WW2 vehicles, but I too am not sure if it guarantees a standalone TT.

I suspect that the 25mm cannon was simply placed haphazardly by the locals, as the Ka-MI also needed to have a tall intake duct in the same location
I do expect to see the Ka-Mi have its own pontoon, though

either that or the uppdate before or after the Aim-120

some calculation website showed about 850mm



775 at 10m is not true, and i was right, they have no way of simulating a pen increase over range


I thought pen is going up at distance.
But no?

At mgm166

Totally wrong, in game MG-166 will reach max speed in 1.5s while it need 4s to got max speed.

how do you get the test drive links to work?

You have to log in wt wiki first

I mean this is my first tree from a person who doesn’t play top tier and I only did the BRs because a person asked for it. I didn’t plan on giving them BRs. Plus I made this a few years ago so things will be out of date

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Well if they give gripen iris-t and meteor it could be even higher than that tbh. Aim9l and aim120b aren’t going to be nearly as potent though.

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