Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Full Terrain following radar would be really cool on the Tornados. Making “All-weather” able jets have that value would actaully be cool. But just a radar altimetre in the external HUD would be good too. Already in the code. Many jets have them in the cockpit HUD

In the next few weeks I will be making my what if sub tree for the Hungarian aviation line

It 's a very, very old model gamewise, the name isn’t as much of an indicator as it would be now. We still have a tank ingame from that early period w/ a fictional designation, if you want proof of that - it 's called " M4A5 " somehow, instead of Tank, Cruiser, Ram Mk.II.

(Angrily breathing lowly)

Funny Gifs : scowl GIF -

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I like the enthusiasm lol but, realistically an XF-2A with prototype AESA or F-16C radar is more likely. It’s basically a more maneuverable F-16C (maybe more than the F-16As), but otherwise nothing too different than what already exists so should fit in.

This is all assuming, of course, that we aren’t getting F-15Cs this year, in which case no F-15Js.

I might be misremembering but I’m sure there was a AIM120A found in the files

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I really hope Gaijoob adds the Ki-148 to the Ki-102 :(

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Ah as it turns out I already made a fan Hungarian tree so I might as well release that here.

Might be for the M-55S

So here it goes,

Rank 1


Rank 2


Rank 3


Rank 4


Rank 5


Rank 6


Rank 7


(Stop it this is not off topic this is as on topic as you can get)


So next uppdate we get the gripen for Sweeden?

Idk but it’s possible

it would be more of a Slovenian flag than a Yugoslav flag since the M-55S was designed at a time when Slovenia was no longer part of Yugoslavia

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mhm I mean like the crew voices they might of done them in bulk to make it easier.

That’s Slovene, not Yugoslav.

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im just gonna sit here and watch as atleast 1 confidential document gets leaked, time to have fun.

maybe it would be for tanks like the SO-122 and M-84

Best guess, whatever update bring AMRAAM will bring Sweden Gripen. Better than nil chance it will also be coming to Britain as well via South Afirca. Though I hope we get something “better”

This is a remade version of this, which has been in the files atleast as long as the Yugoslav Fury Mk.II - actually, it 's outlasted it:
7e955c4868a773577c094ff9a8c32667c1_mq ( WT Live // Camouflage by Michal9787 )

The unused flags which haven’t been associated w/ a vehicle yet might be of more interest, esp. the Belorussian one (
) since they went out their way to represent the Su-25BM we recently got from the summer event as Kazakh by default
and the South Korean one (
) which, in addition to the positive comments on the possibility of seeing them represented we got from the video Q&A, now also has the implications from this line in the Sons of Attila release notes in their favour: