Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Su-27 can’t carry R-77s.
And F-15C doesn’t carry AMRAAMS until 1990s.
People forget how new ARHs are.

If they launch the Hungarian air TT with a Gripen in it at the same time Sweden gets theirs, there would be so many complain posts again.
A Lynx 2.0 incident.

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Honestly, as someone who put a lot of time in Sweden, I would be fine with it. It would only be another Lynx incident if Sweden DIDN’T get it when Hungary did. But the way I see it is the more the merrier, lets bring everyone up to snuff.



Btw someone is really getting on my nerves here. Who doesn’t know what this thread is for.

Well, when the ARH missiles (like the AMRAAM, R-77 etc.)come, the F-16s can receive them, as can the MiG-29SMT, the J-8F, and the Tornado ADV/F.3. Did I miss something?

Edit: I did miss the AV-8B+ and the JA37D.

I might expect gajin consider upgraded F-16A Block 20 MLU in china tech tree could add AIM-9M-9 instead AIM-9L, AIM-9P replace by AIM-9P-4, GBU-10 & GBU-12 Paveway II LGB, AGM-65G and LANTIRN pods (AN/AAQ-13 Sharpshooter targeting pod & AN/AAQ-20 Pathfinder navigation pod) next month

I guess gajin might consider early 4th gen Multirole fighter from PLAAF or PLANAF or early heavyweight 4th gen fighter aircraft with SARH BVR from PLAAF

In game F-16C Block 50 carry Litening II but currently upgraded and access 3rd generation targeting pod, and MiG-29SMT (9-19) lack 3rd generation targeting pod

I was secretly hoping dev consider upgraded targeting pod to 3rd gen targeting pod newer & better AN/AAQ-28(V) Litening II for F-16C Block 50 and consider add 3rd generation targeting pod on MiG-29SMT (9-19) in next month or december this year

I guess gajin might consider early heavy 4th gen fighter aircraft limited SARH BVR from USAF, Israel, PLAAF & USSR before

Su-27’s base model can’t carry them but upgraded models can carry R77

AV-8B PLUS and JA37D


Ok for the person who doesn’t understand this thread.




  1. the action or process of talking about something in order to reach a decision or to exchange ideas.

“the committee acts as a forum for discussion”

  • a conversation or debate about a specific topic.


  1. : a widely held opinion having no known source
  2. : a statement or story that is in circulation but has not been proved to be true

So stop flagging my comment and join in please.

I want to know what you think is wrong with my comments.

Id guess just PL-12 for J8F

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Tornado F3 didnt get AMRAAM till 1996, everyone thinks its getting AMRAAM next update. Chronologically we are in the ballpark for NATO nations

Tornado also isn’t a Mig-29M or F-15 airframe, so…
We’ll see.
Then again, F-15s could get AMRAAM As for balance.

Yeah the russian and US mains arguing why they suffer in top air rb is so much better. This thread was always 80% suffer posts

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No difference in a2a performance between A or B, just QoL improvements for ground teams. (At least thats what ive been told previously)

I think id advocate for F15 with AMRAAM because the closest thing in comparison for Britain, germany and italy would be Typhoon. Small jump ahead and it would enable all nations to be equal again.

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What’re the chances we see ground mapping radar so that way we dont have to slam into the side of a mountain when its foggy out?


That 's incorrect, it was leaked by Oliviia in the lead-up to Apex Predators, but has never appeared in the game files.

Only R-77 has done that( indirectly, through the unused loadout on Yak-141 )

I wonder if we’ll be seeing other removed pack prems come back to stay like this, a dozen or two have been removed from sale over the last year and a half.

I was just thinking about you.

Since Smin said this,

Where is that Romanian Skoda LT 35 going ?

It 's a good question, but foremost understand that the Pz.35(t) " Romania Mare " in the files is very much the German-produced variant - just w/ the markings to distinguish it as belonging to the 1st Romanian Armored Div.

When it 's appeared recently, it 's economic data indicates it to appear w/in the DE techtree as a Rank 1 premium. It predates the addition of the Italy techtree by years, after all - doesn’t seem like it 's been touched much since.

We’ll just have to wait and see if it’ll be moved to the " minor axis " subtree that 's appeared in the time since it was created when it 's implemented now, if it 's implemented.

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Clearly just file an IFR flight plan and follow IMC conditions. Oh wait Center is empty…

I mean if it Romanian than surely it should be called the R-2 right ?