i did didnt i?, not my fault u dont understand it
Not even radar linked gyro gunsights, because they got rid of those for some reason
not you specifically
I genuinely can’t think of a single reason that these aren’t at 8.7 at the very least
As with most BR related questions, the most likely answer is: BR compression
Shoutout to the most obvious answer of “Stop making uptiers and downtiers 1.0 and instead make them .3”
I mean, I kinda also like the answer “JUST DON’T GIVE 10.0/10.3 JETS ALL-ASPECT MISSILES”
Nah 10.X is a good place for modern aircraft to start. Just dont give old 1950s jets anything close to their matches.
Or extend the BR brackets to 15.0
They can start at 10.x no problem, but not with all-aspect missiles.
If the BR ceiling wasn’t way too low the A-10s, A-6E, Su-25/K and Sea Harriers could easily go up 2 or 3 BR steps
There’s no excuse for a plane that’s from the 1950s, no CCIP, Gunsight, horrible handling, subsonic, no guided bombs, SRAAMs only (even though F6 never used them), no countermeasures or RWR to be facing supersonic cold war fighter jets with R60Ms, CCIP, radar gunsights, radar missiles, countermeasures, RWR, and amazing handling
If ground was easier to figure out where compression was things would be easier to manage.
From what I’ve analyzed, 2.3 - 10.0 is compressed, and far more than air.
i’d say the F-86s are less overtiered than these pieces of hot garbage
Yep, I was just putting Thailand and Korea in relation. I am aware that this is a much more complicated topic, including aspects most of us don’t even think about.
Can’t speak much about ground, only played britain so far and haven’t quite reached top tier with them yet
Britain being in a weird place due to the way APHE is overperforming in most cases, I’d still say the area up to 4.7 isn’t very compressed for ground, but otherwise yeah, its the wild west out there
If only gaijin could focus on fixing issues like the compression instead of just piling more stuff ontop
Britian for the most part, i’d say from 1.0 to around 7.0/8.0 ground is fine.
its when you go to 8.7+, you’ll see yourself outclassed by your so-called “peers” at every step
As they add more aircraft, it’ll at least force them to look at ground more.
Analyzing 2000+ vehicles takes time tho.
the compression of Jets is on another level
I mean, britain could very well serve as the baseline with how much more effort it takes to play their tanks while nations like the US, USSR and Germany usually have APHE just do most of the job for them
the biggest problem with air br is that they want to keep it relativ close to ground br so that air assets are useable in ground battles, just doesnt work out that well, could all be resovled with seperate ground and air br but oh well we know their opinion on that