Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

I don’t know, but I think the gaps won’t be such a problem in reality

(Where Ki-64)

this time as TT.

I know the WT model is complete. WHERe It GaijOOblES

im pretty sure the era gaps on vehicles like the t-72 is a problem for apfsds

I’ve been waiting ever since it was leaked. And unlike the Ki-88, this plane actually was completed and flew, so there’s good reason to add it.

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Here is your KI 64 (+ KI 88)
I Want it to :(


Thai Subtree >>> Korean Subtree

Anyways I still agree it is way to convenient and an obvious fake.

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Never! Korea imo would be way better, (Totally dont want the F15K, K1, K2 in the Japan TT)

United korea is one of the few concepts left that can form a unique and fun ground tech tree.

Better to not waste it on a sub tree.

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yeah that’s why i say its obviously fake

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Beautiful :')

I believe there is a Ki-74 model too. It doesnt have a crazy bombload but it was built and is a very interesting looking plane

I respect your opinion and agree that Korean vehicles are pretty cool. I just personally prefer Thai vehicles.

And think that most Korean players would prefer Korea to be a seperate tree, while Thai players are much more comfortable with the idea of a subtree.
I don’t represent either of those, but it’s the impression I’ve been getting and since it supports my personal opinion I will mention it.

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Oxy said something on long the line of South Korean vehicles won’t work in japan but said later that he not deep enough about that issue, properly because he isn’t really a dev or something ect

I bet Taiwanese players would have preferred if they weren’t mixed into the remaining chinese tech tree and South African players would have preferred if they weren’t added to the british tree

You a) just can’t make everyone happy and b) can’t turn every nation into a fully fledged tech tree


because date of introduction mattered 100% of the time when adding vehicles, right?

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Talking about this one.
That nose looks hilarous XD


its a joke for just how much russian vehicles suck in real life, always a decade behind western stuff

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Who put a knights helmet on that plane?

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Trying to spade the Hunter F.6 and I can understand now why people say it’s the most overtiered aircraft.
Can’t dogfight, only has SRAAMs, faces AIM-9Ls with no flares, everyone else has flares, and you’re subsonic. No CCIP or anything.

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yea so how about using it as a flex instead of cope

“ughmmdh my m1a2 is from 1945 we need a 2023 october 16th version to counter!!”