Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Eh, not really. The only jet with BR related to ground RB is Tornado IDS with GBUs.
Separate ground & air BRs would only exist on one aircraft, so it’s an unnecessary feature that decompression fixes.

jets are to compressed and would need to be spread apart furhter, if they did that we would already end up with like 13.0 br, which makes the newest top tier planes problematic to match in grb

Pretty sure there are more planes that could be way lower in ARB if they added seperate BRs
The Buccaneers for instance

The UK is definitely one of those nations that aren’t even remotely the first pick for most players. USA and USSR are the big ones. Germany for people who want to larp as a Tiger tank commander and then the rest I think are for people who either: Like the designs of the country, played Battlefield 4, or were born there.

UK struggles, and sometimes, for good reason. They aren’t the best. But they’re forced into worse positions by Gaijin that makes a difficult nation to play feel like CIA torture techniques


And ground is even more compressed than air.
Decompression fixes the problem.

Buccaneers are their BR for their air RB performance, there’s a reason they’re rarely used in ground RB.

Honestly…before I was going on my great crusade of spading the entire british TT - The Buccaneer was a plane I spaded almost instantly lmao
I love it! It’s actually insanely good if played well. It’s a go-to whenever you have Antimech or something

Weird, coz I rarely see them in ARB due to how they are, well, chunky, sub-sonic and basically unarmed, with the S1 even struggling to take off and being actually unarmed (unless you are cracked at killing people with rocket pods)

zhe Buccaneers Air RB performance is Being Target practice

S1 is kind of dogshit on account of the engines and armament.
S2 is a silver lion printer if you play to its strengths, put on some Lo-Fi and flank hard. just go low, fly fast, take your time, go hard around the map and either:
Lineup on a convoy and obliterate it
or bomb two and a half bases
It’s comfortable at its BR I think

You can also slap bullpups on it for GRB

A lot of people aren’t aware of their 2 base + countermeasures, & 3 base loadouts.
S1 is a better Canberra, and Canberra is its BR because of air RB.

As stated, the issue is compression not ground RB.
I have a 68% survival rate in air RB with my S2, and I use the 2 base + countermeasure loadout.

I only got the S1, that could explain my attitude towards them

People really sleep on Buccaneer. It’s slow to accelerate, yes. But when you get speed? You can outrun most aircraft at your BR and you carry just 6 bombs less than an Avro Vulcan. You’re an absolute machine.

It’s got good loadout options:
I normally run my Bomber CM loadout as it gives you enough to destroy 2 bases.
Ground attack is insane for AntiMech orders or Thunderer.

Did you say a Buccaneer ? I seen one of them irl as well

I’ve been inside one :)

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I’ve got a great survival rate on my S2 as well, not trying to say it’s dogshit or anything

What I’m trying to say is: There is no reason outside of GRB balancing from back in the day for the S2 to be 9.3 and the S1 to be at the same BR as the Canberra B(I) (as a sidenote, I don’t see any reason for the Canberra Mk 2 to be on the same BR as the B(I))


have you tried the S1?

I have spaded the S1

Bombers for air RB are balanced based on their survival rate + rewards earned in the match.
Which is how at one point Tu-4 & B-29 had ridiculous repair costs.