Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Wrong is not called mix of IRCCM, is called Dual Band and its a very early technology not effective than you think, this is incorrect and people who really knows about this missile is not going to say what you said, and you are confusing the P4 with the P5, the P5 is the “real counter” for the R-74M2 and ASRAMM and now we are not even close to the P5, R-74M2 and ASRAMM haha. the R-74M2 beats the MICA-IR and ASRAAM ass without anyproblem. (P4 is from late 80s early 90s), (R-74M2 is from 2022), (P5 is from 2003), (ASRAAM is from late 90s), (MICA-IR is from late 90s too), what in the actual hell you can compare this missiles with the insane R-74M2?!?!?!?. PS: the P4 was intentionally developed by the mere existence of the R-73 in the Middle East as Israel considered it a threat to its airspace.

For that new nation hehe

Another Leopard 1

no it was confirmed for germany

No definetly Britains next top tier MBT via canada

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Then mutliple nations are either gunna be running strong WVR jets with no BVR or are getting absolutely nothing new for a long time.

I mean, that doesn’t seem unrealistic considering gaijins past history of neglecting nations lol

In that case we’ll get more DOA jets over time or no jets at all (for nations other than US and Russia) before addition of FOX3.

nah they confirmed it specialy for germany

thats correct because the next step should be the Python-4 following the time line, because this missile was developed only a few years after the first R-73 to show to the rest of the eastern countries that Israel also had a missile as powerful as the R-73.

This is true, though they have confirmed new jets for Sweden and britain. Unless thats F-18 with SARH. All other options would be AMRAAM

I’ve told you before and you know very well it’s true, that confirmation could just be a Hawk 200, some commonwealth plane like a Mirage 2000 or some SAAF plane like the Cheetah

Hawk would not be top tier without ASRAAM

You mean like the Tornado, the Harrier Gr7 and the Spey Phantoms despite all being in the top bracket?

Not top tier, any of them, by any stretch of the means. Top tier does not mean top of the tree. Its means being at 12/12.3

why dont the russians have more turret with this era? how hard can it be to make era without gaps

I think he means it won’t be meta/top of the line vehicle

and that. Hawk 200 with the best possible weapons available in game right now, would at best be before any of hte end of line aircraft, Probably after the jaguar

Well, I’m not the guy that decided to enter a era that is near impossible to properly balance with the nations that we have
If gaijin decides a Hawk 200, Cheetah or a Mirage 2000 is powerful enough to fight against fighters like the F-16C and MiG-29SMT (which shouldnt be in the game with how far the other nations are left behind), then we’ll have to sit here and accept that
This rush to get to the era of BVRAAM sure is great, isn’t it?

Imagine all the cool planes we could have gotten if we stuck to 3rd Gen for some longer instead of buying into the F-14 hype crap

This is a pretty cap list, the Ki-84-N was a paper plane. Also it seems way too convenient that the Thais would be coming after complaints about Korea not going to Japan