Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Yes, something went wrong with the vehicle so they couldn’t show it.



To be honest. I don’t think the F111 was omitted due to its bomb load. That can easily be balanced with things like increased BR.

It’s more likely that they decided to add multiroles like the F16 and F14B instead. It could come any day now and would probably be fine. Wouldnt necessarily have any more or less impact than a Tornado IDS. Does.

Also possible that they deemed the F111 a no go without ECM systems. I believe the Tornado is more maneuvable and I think a little faster (at least at max load Vs max load) so without those features, the IDS stands a chance (also minor nation tax)

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Dam, not even the Br changes feedback.

Ok maybe a few more pumpkins will be prepared for Halloween, let’s just wait and see. Popcorn for all

thats true

we just have to keep in mind the F-111F would be a Supersonic carrying 10 Paveways combining the CAS power of the Harrier GR7 with the speed of the Tornado

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or they’re all still hungover from sunday

What was the planned armament of the British K variant ?

I don’t know, ask your RAF

Here’s a side-by-side of the two:


General Dynamics F-111 Aardvark vs Sukhoi Su-24 (Fencer) Comparison

JH-7 which I was talking about, vs. F-14(Not sure the website can do A vs B vs D):


Xian JH-7 (Flounder) / FBC-1 (Flying Leopard) vs Grumman F-14 Tomcat Comparison

You can use the tool for other comparisons as well. I found it helpful for contextualizing how these planes should perform.

I mean, the ECM argument could have been made for the Tornados as well, we didn’t get the ECR or EW equipped IDS variants

if we get an F-111A we won’t see many paveways on it

that would be fun disappointed for the USAF mains

Man, I love how that JH-7 looks
It’s like a mix between the Tornado and the Mitsubishi F-1/T-2

It gets the spey engines too))

forgot the part of the mystical ERA only Russia has which eats APFSDS like it’s candy even though in reality it barely protects against chemical…


Tornado Gr1 could and very much did carry Sky Shadow ECM pods, not too mention the fact its missing 95% of its CM count. Thats the case as far as I am aware for all 4 IDS tornados we have currently. But I can see them either not caring as much about minor nations or deeming the Tornados had enough survivability without to be fine. F-111 I know isnt slow, but Im guessing it turns about as well as a Buc does when full laden.

Yeah, I can’t imagine the F-111 flying well at all with a full loadout, but imho that would be a tradeoff that the pilot has to consider

no devblog today?

Yeah, also got to factor in its size vs a tornado, about twice the size right?


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why does japan get nerfed every update? #riptype89


I’d estimate the F-111 to be about 50% larger, still, an insane ordnance would be a fair tradeoff for increased vulnerability